After slowly exhaling a puff of smoke, he stepped towards the two of them.

His face was a little cold.

Behind him, Tang Hui and Xiao Hongbo's eyes narrowed, and they chased after them almost at the same time.

One hugged Fang Ze's left arm, and the other pulled Fang Ze's right arm.

"Captain, you have something to say."

Tang Hui said quickly.

"Boss, don't be impulsive! Don't be impulsive!"

Xiao Hongbo was really worried that Fang Ze would kill them with two shots.

Luo Bixin looked at this scene and shook his head helplessly.

She knew Fang Ze, and it was impossible for him to do irrational things.

Fang Ze glanced at the two of them and said, "Fuck off!"

"Stand behind!"

: I have something to do today.

, I'm so busy now that I can write as much as I can.

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Chapter 475 Extraordinary smuggling case affecting the whole province [2]

Facing Fang Ze's anger, Tang Hui and Xiao Hongbo quickly released their hands and stood there honestly.

Fang Ze, who was angry, was still very scary in their eyes.

Fang Ze was smoking a cigarette and stood in front of the two.

He did not speak at once, but looked at them while smoking.

The two of them were a little hairy when they were stared at by Fang Ze, and they couldn't help lowering their heads.

After a few minutes, a cigarette ended.

Fang Ze threw away the cigarette holder and took out the pistol directly from his pocket.

Click! The clear sound of bullet loading echoed in the hall.

Seeing Fang Ze draw a gun, the expressions of everyone present changed.

Even Luo Refill was startled at this moment.

Fang Ze raised his hand, and the barrel of the gun pressed against one of them's head.


Fang Ze spoke softly.

The man didn't expect that in the city bureau, the other party actually took out a gun, and he was so frightened that he quickly raised his head and said, "Wang Wang Dayong!"



"Do you know why I caught you?"


Fang Ze narrowed his eyes and said, "What else?"

"and also"

Wang Dayong was taken aback and looked at Fang Ze suspiciously.


Fang Ze's face turned cold, his index finger pulled the trigger.

"wait wait wait!"

Wang Dayong's face turned pale.

Is this guy so courageous! Those who have already been arrested dare to openly shoot at the city bureau! Does anyone care? Unfortunately, no one dares to touch Fang Ze's bad head at such a time.

In fact, when Qianze Ze was in the city bureau, he established an extremely strong prestige, and he said nothing.

No one dared to question his orders.

Not to mention blocking it now.

In other words, the relationship between Tang Hui and Fang Ze is not bad, and they dared to speak before.

At this moment, even Luo Bixin remained silent.

Although she is the captain of the criminal police, she is also Fang Ze's girlfriend.

Of course, he won't demolish Fang Ze's stage.

"Do you remember it"

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