Luo Bixin nodded and said: "Affected by economic and trade, smuggling has been rampant in Suhai Province recently, and almost every city has it."

"The criminal police team, the anti-smuggling team, etc. were all involved and destroyed several smuggling dens."

"But some people, hide deep."

"And we found that the drug business seems to have begun to spread."

"We speculate"


Fang Ze raised his hand, stopped Luo Bixin's words, and said, "Don't say these are useless, the point is"

"What I want to hear is the point."

"Dare to fight with the criminal police, the smuggling gang will never dare."

"These two guys are dealing with drugs, right?"

"You just tell me how the investigation is now."

Luo Bixin opened his mouth and lowered his head.

Fang Ze glanced at her, then turned his head and said, "Tang Hui."

"team leader."

Tang Hui came over.

Fang Ze said: "You said, what is the situation of Su Hai now?"

Tang Hui didn't think so much, and said directly: "Smuggling gangs are still active: drugs are still rampant."

Hearing this, Fang Ze lowered his head slightly.

He took a puff of cigarette, and suddenly got up and said, "What are you doing?"

The sudden drink startled everyone.

Fang Ze pointed at Tang Hui and said, "You now immediately notify all the city bureaus and sub-bureaus in Suhai, including municipalities directly under the Central Government!"

"Tomorrow at 8:[-], all the captains of the criminal police will have a meeting at the Yangcheng Bureau."

"If you don't come, you will be dismissed on the spot."

"Even if I'm sick, I'll crawl over with a hanging bottle!"

Tang Hui's expression was solemn, and he stood upright and said, "Yes!"

This is the first order Fang Ze has issued to the provincial municipal bureau since his promotion.

It is also the first plenary meeting of the Suhai Criminal Police Corps in the true sense! Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 476 I scold you for being light! 【1】

The next day at [-]:[-] am.

After receiving the news from Yangcheng, the sub-bureaus of the city bureaus in Suhai, no one dared to delay, all put down their work and gathered in Yangcheng.

It's far away, it's been here last night.

Check into the hotel to ensure that you will not be late for the meeting the next day.

Hearing the tone from the provincial office, Fang Ze seemed to be angry.

No one is fighting against Fang Ze at this time.

Not to mention the direct leadership.

The fact that the other party can take the position of the chief criminal police chief of the provincial office at the age of less than [-] has already made no one in Suhai dare to underestimate it.

Including Dongli's Shen Kai, also arrived.

Although he and Fang Ze are on the same level in administration, they are friends after all, and the other has assisted him in solving several cases.

In addition, the smuggling case Dong Li was not spared.

So this plenary meeting, he must be present.

What's more, he already knew who Fang Ze was.

If the Dongli City Bureau really dragged its feet in the end, Shen Kai didn't think Fang Ze would be able to take him.

For public and private purposes, he had to come.

In addition, there is also the captain of the criminal police of Guangming City Bureau, Luo Bixin's senior brother, Miyagi.

In short, none of the captains of criminal police at or above the county level were absent.

conference room.

People came one after another.

People who are familiar with each other greet each other with greetings.

Miyagi glanced at the time, turned his head and said in a low voice, "Where's the team?"

Sitting next to her was Luo Refill, she replied, "Still: I'm looking at the detailed information in the lounge."

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