It was the first time he saw Fang Ze angry.

It seems that the recent anti-smuggling operation has disappointed the other party very much.

Fang Ze's eyes flicked across everyone's faces.

"Liu team, do you have anything to say?"

The man who was called was jolted and raised his head quickly.

"You just know that you are catching some smuggled fish and shrimp for political achievements. Are you waiting for them to grow meat and cut meat!"


The man opened his mouth, trying to explain, but he didn't know what to say.

Fang Ze shifted his gaze, looked at Miyagi, and said, "The palace team."

Miyagi quickly straightened his body and said, "Fang team."

Fang Ze said: "Smuggling cases broke out on a large scale from your urban area and eventually spread to the whole province."

"Are you moving so slowly?"

"Didn't I let Team Luo remind you to be careful about drug dealing?"

"Without huge interests, they dare to be so rampant!"

Miyagi couldn't refute: "This"

"Shen team."

Fang Ze looked at Shen Kai again.


Fang Ze said: "Dongli is a municipality directly under the Central Government, and the provincial department has no work report from your city bureau, but"

"How did I hear that the flow of drugs ends in your Dongli?"

"You didn't catch any of you"

Shen Kai quickly said: "Caught, yes"

Fang Ze interrupted: "A few middlemen?"

"These high profile people have the greatest risk and are best caught."

"Believe it or not, I can catch it in one day"

"is that useful"

Shen Kai lowered his head slightly.

What Fang Ze said was true.

Like this kind of middleman, like leeks, cut as much as you can and grow as much as you want

From a practical point of view, it's really not very useful.

It is difficult to achieve good results by following the vines.

"Stupid pig command!"

Fang Ze turned his head to look at the crowd, patted the table, and said angrily, "You actually sacrificed two undercover agents!"

"You can't even choose people. How did you push your colleagues into the fire pit?"

"I scold you for being light!"

Fang Ze was really angry.

The main reason is the sacrifice of two people.

It is understandable that the captain of the criminal police has mixed abilities, and Fang Ze will not say anything.

But if you sacrifice your colleagues because of mistakes, it is no small matter.

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Chapter 477 Cake City [1]

Fang Ze understood.

It is very difficult to investigate such deep underground smuggling and drug dealing.

Even if you can catch a few people, you won't be able to uproot them.

If you want to get the best results with the least cost and the shortest time, the only way is to send undercover detectives.

If Fang Ze was here, he would do the same.

But going undercover seems easy, but it is actually the hardest.

The hard part is choosing people.

What they can think of, those smugglers and drug dealers can naturally think of.

As long as you pay a little attention, long-term lurking can easily reveal flaws.

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