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"Check one by one without thinking too much."

"in spite of

The power of this gang is big or small, and it doesn't matter what they are smuggling, as long as they are found, they will all be arrested."

Hearing this, everyone was a little puzzled.

Didn't the other party just criticize it just now, don't you just know how to catch some small fish and shrimp? Now why has it changed again?

At this time, Shen Kai thought for a while and said, "Fang team, you have to cut off the transportation channel"

Fang Ze turned his head and said, "Yes."


Shen Kai was stunned for a while, thoughtful.

He seemed to have guessed what Fang Ze wanted to do.

Miyagi seemed to have an embarrassed expression on his face, but he didn't know what to say when he wanted to speak.

Other cities are fine, as Guangming is the flashpoint of smuggling in the province, it is very difficult to clear.

It's good to say that it takes a long time. If he can do this in a short time, it will not be easy for him.

Before he could think about how to speak, Fang Ze looked at him and said, "Gong team."

Miyagi turned his head.

Fang Ze said: "I will go to Guangming City."


Miyagi was taken aback.

Fang Ze continued: "With you, we will try our best to completely remove all smuggling gangs within a month's time."

Miyagi looked solemn, nodded slowly and said, "Yes, the team."

Although I don't know Fang Ze's intentions for the time being, if the other party joins, it will be easier to handle.

One month is enough.

Fang Ze turned to look at the big screen, pointed to the city above and said, "Drug transportation depends on these smuggling gangs."

"And Guangming is a gathering place for smuggling."

"When we cut off most of the transportation channels, only Yangcheng was left."

Speaking of this, many people gradually began to understand.

"Fang team, you want to monopolize smuggling"

Someone spoke.

Fang Ze chuckled: "Yes, monopoly on smuggling."

"Since they need smuggling, we have a monopoly on the industry."

"In the end, Yangcheng will be turned into an isolated city, and the undercover will be given the maximum opportunity to fight for it."



Hearing this, those who responded slowly were surprised.

Fang Ze's ultimate goal is to install undercover agents in Yangcheng: "As long as our people participate in the drug trade and replace Yangcheng's suppliers and sellers: then we can catch the perpetrators in one go."

"He is our target."

Saying that, Fang Ze picked up the character information on the table.

"Fu Guosheng, the owner of an adult product company, has a refined appearance and is not offensive."

"But according to the investigation of Yangcheng Criminal Police Captain Wu Fei, this person is the biggest leader of Yangcheng's drug trafficking network."

"He is the supplier and distributor of Yangcheng."

"This is the breakthrough point, we have to use him as a springboard to dig out the people behind it!"

Everyone looked at each other and nodded.

Fang Ze's plan is very clear and there are no problems.

But the key is Shen Kaidao: "Fang team, does anyone have a choice?"

Fang Ze pondered for a while, then said: "Not yet, you don't care about this matter, I will take care of it."

"Do your own thing."

"Remember, catch one when you see one, and don't let the fish slip through the net."

Everyone nodded: "Yes, the team!"

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