"If only Wu Fei was here."

Right now, the captains of criminal police in the whole province are very busy and cannot transfer people at all.

Internally, there is no credible person in charge.

Now it seems that I can only stay in Yangcheng for a few days.

When the selection is on the right track, he can contact Luo Bixin by phone.

At this moment, Fang Ze can feel the four words, lack of skills.

"Let's go, Yangcheng training will start tomorrow, time is precious."

Speechless all night.

At [-]:[-] a.m. the next day, the provincial general control room.

Fang Ze sat here, watching the surveillance on the big screen.

Monitoring is complete.

From the gate of the police academy to the whole city, almost full coverage is achieved, and you can switch back and forth.

Surveillance showed that [-] people had gotten into the car one after another.

Many people even plan ahead and carry backpacks that they don't know what to hold.

I guess it's food and drink.


"Don't cry for a while."

Fang Ze chuckled lightly.

In the control room, many police officers also smiled.

They already knew the content of Fang Ze's training camp.

Beside him, Luo Bixin looked at the monitor and said, "Fang Ze, this method is fine, right?"

Fang Ze said: "No problem, what we need is not an ordinary undercover agent."

"This person must have a strong ability to survive and be smooth in dealing with others."

"At the same time, he must be cunning and clever."

Hearing this, Luo Bixin nodded.

She just asked, not questioned.

She never questioned Fang Ze's decision.

Because of Fang Ze, I never missed it.

Fang Ze picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "Tang Hui, throw away their bags."

Fang Ze gave Tang Hui the task of leading the training camp.

In terms of executive power, no one in the city bureau can compare to Tang Hui.

He is not familiar with the provincial office for the time being.

Tang Hui is the best candidate.

After hearing the voice in the earphone, Tang Hui, who was sitting in the driver's seat, shouted decisively: "Everyone, throw away the bag!"

"Throw it yourself!"

"Don't let us do it."

As soon as the voice fell, police officers began to approach these people.

they know.

Tang Hui's order was Fang Ze's order to "throw the bag"

Twenty-eight people were stunned for a moment.

Why throw the bag they finally prepared

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Chapter 483 Training content [2]

"Why throw the bag away?"

"It's all daily necessities, nothing else."

"That's right, why throw the bag away? It's our own thing."

Since it is a training camp selection, naturally it is not a day or two.

Then daily necessities are necessary.

Tang Hui said lightly: "There is no reason, throw the bag out now."

"Otherwise, we can help you."

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