not simple.

It seems that this residual sin has some ability.

Fang Ze's eyes are very precise.

"I'll take a break, you watch."

"Wait for Yu Sin to find his 'hupengou friend, call me.'"

After speaking, Fang Ze leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes slightly.

Luo Bixin did not speak, signaling everyone to keep silent.

She knew that Fang Ze had been tired and distressed.

It's always good to have a little rest.

Time passed little by little.

until eleven o'clock at night.

"Fang Ze Fang Ze!"

Luo Bixin shouted.

Fang Ze opened his eyes, straightened up and said, "What's wrong?"

He didn't finish the question because there was no need to ask anymore.

In the front, all the monitoring screens are blacked out! Only the large screen in the middle is left.

On the other side, someone got up and walked quickly and said anxiously: "Fang team, they hacked into the surveillance system, are we?"

Fang Ze raised his hand and stopped his words.

"Don't follow, don't close, wait for my order."

"Yes, Fang team."

After speaking, Fang Ze looked at the big screen in front of him.

That is the face of the sinful.

Fang Ze smiled and said, "Yes, very good at using the resources around you."

Luo Jialong is a computer genius.

Being able to hack into the surveillance system shows that the person has a very high level of hacking.

"Captain Fang, how are you?"

"I'm surprised, I don't want to be played by you. Since it's a training camp, it's better to give us a little freedom."

"From now on, all of us will disappear until the end of the training camp"

"If you can find me, come."

"You are always welcome."

"and also"

Yu Sin said one sentence at a time.

Finally, the screen goes completely black.

Since then, the provincial department's monitoring of Yu Sin and the others has entered a blank period.

Luo Bixin was a little worried and said, "Fang Ze, nothing will happen, right?"

With a smile on his face, Fang Ze got up and said, "That's right."

"I'm going out."

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Chapter 487: Fang Ze's Direct Subordinate Special Love [1]

late at night.

An all-night teahouse in Yangcheng.

Fang Ze sat by the window on the second floor, drinking tea quietly, looking at the flashing neon lights outside the window from time to time.

Not long after, footsteps sounded on the wooden stairs.

A figure walked over and stood in front of Fang Ze's table.

Fang Ze put down the teacup and said, "Sit down."

"Thank you team."

The man said something and sat opposite Fang Ze.

The light shines on, revealing the man's face.

Guozi face, dark complexion, with a scar on the right side of the forehead for a long time.

There's nothing like a policeman about this guy.

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