"So be it."

Fang Ze got up and left the restaurant

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 488 Shocked Ma Peng [2]

Another day passed.

At night, there is a food stall somewhere in Yangcheng.

Five men and two women are sitting around the table, eating skewers and drinking beer.

The days were very comfortable.

Laughter sounded from time to time, and the haze caused by the previous training was swept away.

"Yu Sin, it's really you who can find us."

It was a girl who was talking.

Her name is Zhou Wenjuan, and she has a good relationship with Yu Sin and others.

In today's society, it is a rare pure friendship.

Sitting next to him is An Jialu.

A school flower-level character.

Although he has a boyfriend, he often hangs out with Yu Sin and the others.

Yu Sin was eating mutton kebabs, and he said, "I don't understand, it's called basic operations, don't worship me."



All around, everyone booed and made good-natured mockery.

It can be seen that the relationship between the two is very good.

An Jialu looked up at Yu Sin and did not speak.

Just yesterday, the other party found her and gave her some money to help her through the most difficult period.

She was grateful.

"Okay, don't praise him."

It was Wang Shenxiu who was speaking, the guy who was in the nightclub.

If it is said that among the dozens of people who participated in the training camp in Yangcheng, who is the best, it must be him.

"Who was An Jialu who was the first to find out!"

"What's this called? It's called focusing on sex and ignoring friends."

"I guess when I was in the car, Yu'er, this bitch, was already thinking of An Jialu's idea."

As soon as these words came out, the crowd cheered again.

An Jialu is a girl after all, she has a thin skin and is very embarrassed.

Yu Sin glanced at An Jialu and kept silent.

Everyone knows that he likes An Jialu.

"It's a pity, the famous flower has its owner."

Next to him, the mouse touched Yu Sin and said, "Be courteous, and finally make a wedding dress for others, haha."


Yu Sin clicked the mouse.

The crowd laughed together.

It can be seen that they usually make such jokes, and no one is angry.

Pure friendship is precious.

Wang Shenxiu holds a comb, this is a habit.

He opened his mouth and said, "Tell me Yu'er, gather us together, and prepare to show us how to make a fortune."

Yu Sin said directly: "I didn't think about it."

Several people:""

“I didn’t think so”

Wang Shenxiu glared at him and said, "I eat spicy food in a nightclub, but now I'm running out to hang out with you.

"Why do you drink the northwest wind?"

Yu Sin took a sip of beer and said, "What's the hurry, don't you still have money in your hand?"

"Rich shit!"

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