
Fang Ze frowned.

"I'm telling the truth!"

Song Qi shouted loudly.

"Oh, okay."

Fang Ze nodded.

The next moment, he pulled the trigger.

Bang! The bullet penetrated Song Qi's forehead instantly.

"you you you actually"

Song Qi widened his eyes, raised his hand tremblingly, and pointed at Fang Ze.

The other party didn't arrest him, but shot him directly! He didn't finish speaking, and his life passed quickly.

After a few seconds, he fell to the ground on his back.

After doing all this, Fang Ze put away the pistol.

Since it is useless, then kill this kind of person, there is no need to carry out legal trial, it is unnecessary.

Fang Ze stood beside the corpses all over the floor, took out a cigarette and lit it.

"Come out."

Fang Ze said something.

In the dark place, Ma Peng was startled, and after hesitating for a while, he had to walk out slowly.

"Fang team, sorry."

Coming behind Fang Ze, Ma Peng spoke awkwardly.

Fang Ze had already said last night that no one would be allowed to participate in tonight's action.

This is considered an illegitimate act, and he has violated the rules of disobedience.

Fang Ze turned around and threw the cigarette case in his hand to Ma Peng.

Ma Peng took it, took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth.

"So don't believe me"

Fang Ze knew that the other party was worried about his own safety.

Ma Peng coughed lightly and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I underestimated the team."

He took out the lighter and was about to light it.

Fang Ze's voice sounded.


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Next time, return to the team and accept the punishment."

After speaking, Fang Ze bypassed Ma Peng and left slowly.

Ma Peng was left alone, and his movements were frozen.

It was the first time for him to work under Fang Ze, and he didn't know much about Fang Ze's character.

The provincial bureau did not talk about it, but no one dared to take Fang Ze's words on a deaf ear from the Yangcheng Bureau.

Because the consequences are serious.

Ma Peng turned off the lighter, holding an unlit cigarette in his mouth, and turned around slowly.

Looking at Fang Ze who was getting away, he lowered his head and was silent for a while, then sighed secretly.

Sure enough, every leader has a temper of every leader.

It seems that in the future, it is better not to make up your own mind

The words are divided into two parts. When Fang Ze murdered, Yu Xun was taking his friends, dressed as beggars, begging and picking up garbage along the street.

Although the behavior is similar to Xie Bing, the nature is completely opposite.

Xie Bing is a normal self-reliance, and Yu Sin can be characterized as deceitful.

For example, pretending to be a pregnant woman and passers-by to ask for money, pretending to be a homeless student and passers-by to go home, or even pretending to be disabled, to win the sympathy of passers-by, if it is really on the line, it is a fraud.

10:[-] that night.

Yu Sin and the others were still at that food stall, drinking and eating skewers.

It is clear that today's harvest has been very good.

"I said Yu'er, isn't it too indecent and shameful for us to do this!"

The mouse groaned while eating and drinking.

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