He is not qualified to speak of An Jialu.

Wang Shenxiu seemed to have found a sense of existence, and quickly said: "What would happen if a beautiful girl like you was dressed up and stood on the street?"

"When the time comes we will be there"


The mouse looked at Wang Shenxiu, grinned and said, "Immortal dance!"

Wang Shenxiu raised his eyebrows and smiled without saying a word.


Yu Sin resolutely cut his mouth.

"I think it's fine."

An Jialu answered immediately.

Yu Sin turned to look at An Jialu, wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it.

An Jialu looked at him and said, "Don't make decisions for me, okay?"

This sentence made Yu Xun drop his eyelids and say nothing.

Seeing Yu Sin acquiesced, Wang Shenxiu said, "I agree, right?"

"I'll call the nightclub sister right away and ask her to come and help!"

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 492 An Jialu was tied [2]

Eleven o'clock that night.

Yu Sin and the others changed places, eating and watching the passing pedestrians.

At this time, the nightlife has completely kicked off.

Many men who are full of food and drink will find a place to entertain.

There are green ones, and of course there are non-green ones.

This kind of thing is illegal, and it has always been the object of severe crackdowns by the Municipal Bureau, but it has been repeatedly banned.

It's totally impossible to take into account the whole.

Only see one, catch one.

At this moment, An Jialu is standing on the side of the road, wearing a beautiful dress with light makeup on her face.

She was naturally beautiful, and now she looks even more charming.

On the other side, Yu Sin bowed his head and drank wine, not participating.

"Hey, Yu'er"

The mouse touched his arm.


Yu Sin glanced at him.

The mouse moved closer and said, "Do you think An Jialu is beautiful tonight, goddess?"

Hearing this, Yu Sin subconsciously glanced at An Jialu's back, but did not answer the question.

As for what was on his mind, no one knew.

Men love beautiful women, this is a normal natural physiological phenomenon.

People have seven emotions and six desires.

Nothing to be ashamed of.

It is shameful not to love beautiful women, it shows that there is a psychological problem.

"Hooked, hooked, hooked!"

Suddenly, Wang Shenxiu spoke in a low voice.

As soon as these words came out, everyone turned their heads.

Not far away, there was a drunk man who had already taken An Jialu away.

"Come on, it's our turn!"

With that said, Wang Shenxiu and the others got up and quickly chased after them.

The remaining sins did not go.

A man was drinking there alone.

Taking advantage of An Jialu's beauty to make money is something he is very unwilling to do.

But he has no right to stop it.

On the other side, Ma Peng quietly watched this scene and took out his mobile phone.

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