That morning, Fang Ze led people to squat in the second passage and robbed all the suspected smuggled goods.

If you don't know the current affairs, and you are not satisfied, you will call the other party to serve you.

Until eleven o'clock in the morning, Fang Ze looked at the container full of goods and said, "Call the anti-smuggling team and the customs, don't worry about the affairs here, just don't know."

"it is good."

Miyagi nodded, took out his phone and walked aside.

Of course he won't go into the details of the case.

But the face of the provincial department, those people should give it or have to give it.

Unspoken, everyone understands.

this afternoon.

A commercial building in the suburbs of Guangming.

"Boss Chen, you don't care about my two trucks in this matter, but none of them are left!"

"That's right, me too. The second passage of the port has been regarded as a private territory by these guys, and they can't get out at all!"

"Also, Bi Peng and Liu Guang seemed to be beaten badly last night."

Everyone was chattering, looking at the middle-aged man who was smoking in front of him and said nothing

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Chapter 499 Boss Chen [1]

"Okay, okay, what's the noise"

"Can you be quiet"

Boss Chen snuffed out the cigarette, patted the table and shouted.

His words seemed very intimidating, and the sound in the room quickly quieted down until it was silent.

Everyone looked at him, waiting for his next words.

Chen Laodao: "You also know where the light is. It connects the internal and external ports, and the trade in goods is frequent."

"To put it bluntly, it is the most suitable city for smuggling"

"Are we the only people who want to come here to make money?"

"I'm not used to what happened before"

Hearing this, everyone fell silent.

That's right, as long as there are interests, there will inevitably be a steady stream of new forces pouring in.

It's the same in any industry.

But this time, it seems a little different.

Someone said, "Boss Chen, Bi Peng and Liu Guang have about forty people."

"Forty people surrounded the toy factory, and they were beaten up. I don't think it's normal."

"According to the investigation, there are only a dozen of those guys in the toy factory."

"It's not easy."

The person next to him also echoed: "That's right, I have never encountered such a situation before."

"This time, the other party may have a bit of a backing."

Boss Chen waved his hand and said, "These are not the key points, there are many capable people in the world."

"The focus is on the port."

"Do you know what time it is?"

Hearing this, everyone subconsciously raised their heads and looked at the watch on the wall.

Three o'clock: ten.

Chen Laodao: "It's 88 in eight hours."

"These people have blocked the second passage of the port for eight hours 88, and no one is in control of the customs."

"The anti-smuggling brigade did not come forward to investigate, don't you think there is a problem?"

The crowd looked at each other.

This thing is really weird.

It stands to reason that the port is an official one, and it's nothing more than a small move. If it is occupied privately, it will definitely attract the attention of black and white.

Trouble will follow.

Most people shouldn't dare to do that.

"Boss Chen, what do you mean?"

Boss Chen stretched out his finger and said, "Two possibilities."

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