"If he appeared in front of Fu Guosheng out of thin air, his first reaction would be suspicion."

"Now that both parties know each other, it would be a pleasant surprise if Fu Guosheng could treat Yu Xun differently."

"We need talent, and so does he."

Luo Bixin nodded, that's right.

Dong dong dong! At this moment, a knock on the door rang.


Luo Bixin shouted back.

The door was opened.

"Boss, the police are here."


Fang Ze raised his head and said in surprise, "What kind of police?"

Lai Ren said: "Customs and anti-smuggling teams have both, do you want to identify yourself?"

Miyagi also rushed over and looked at Fang Ze.

Fang Ze got up and said, "Let's go and have a look."

Everyone left the factory and came to the front door.

The door has been locked.

Outside the door stood five or six, a policeman in uniform.

"Open the door! Quick!"

shouted the leader.

Miyagi glanced at a few people and frowned.

its not right.

He has already said hello, no one should check this toy factory.

Is it possible that it was not notified below?

Fang Ze looked at Miyagi and winked.

Seeing this, Miyagi shook his head slightly, indicating that these people did not know each other.

This is not surprising, there are so many police officers in Guangming, it is impossible for Miyagi to know them all.

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

"Several police officers, what's the matter?"

Fang Ze took a puff of cigarette and opened his mouth with a smile.

"What nonsense! Hurry up and open the door for a routine check!"

Fang Ze calmly smoked a cigarette and said, "This is a private residence. Several police officers want to check, please show the search warrant."

"How dare you resist inspection!"

The leading man roared angrily.

"Don't dare."

Fang Ze's face was calm, "Just follow the procedure, you can check, please show the documents."

The man's face turned cold and said, "If you resist law enforcement, then we will have to take coercive measures."

Fang Ze glanced at a few people and said, "Who is the leader of your unit?"

The man snorted coldly: "Does this have anything to do with you?"

Fang Ze chuckled: "Of course, I'm afraid you will find the wrong place and be scolded in the end:."

The man said: "Check the error. You are privately occupying the port and robbing the goods. It is already suspected of breaking the law. Please come with us immediately."

At this time, Miyagi's brows were already wrinkled deeper and deeper.

What's the situation, those guys really didn't inform the people below? Isn't this causing trouble? Fang Ze lowered his head, threw away the cigarette and stomped it out.

The next moment, he raised his head and shouted: "Fuck off! Don't be shameless!"

"You grab one and try"

"A few more locks!"

Hearing Fang Ze's words, a few people behind him stepped forward and tied several thick chains to the iron gate.

It's impossible to get in unless you force a blast or a long ladder over the wall.


The man pointed at Fang Ze and said sternly, "Do you know the consequences of obstructing law enforcement?"

Fang Ze said seriously: "I don't know."

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