Regardless of

  Whether it was internal organs, oral cavity or blood, he did not find any abnormality.

  So where did hydrogen fluoride come from? Luo Bixin said: "It's not hydrogen fluoride, it's fluoride ion and hydrogen ion. Fang Ze determined it through the reaction of reagents."


  Ming Chuan's eyes narrowed, and then he frowned: "How could hydrogen fluoride be a very stable binary compound, and it is impossible for ordinary people to decompose it, unless"

  Speaking of this, Ming Chuan seemed to have thought of something, so he didn't continue speaking, and said, "If that's the case, then the murderer is not an ordinary person."


  Luo Bixin nodded and said, "Fang Ze said the same."


  Ming Chuan took a deep breath and said, "Team Fang can think of hydrogen fluoride and detection ions. It can be said that the most impossible possibility has become a reality."

  "Not being a forensic doctor is really a talent."

  As soon as these words came out, Luo Bixin looked up at him.

  Ding Chunqiu and others also set their sights on Ming Chuan.

  Seeing everyone staring at him, Ming Chuan was stunned for a moment, and then smiled awkwardly: "Of course, Fang team is not a criminal police officer, and he is also very subservient."

  Everyone looked back.

  Compared with forensic testing, the process of investigating a case is the focus of detection.

  After all, there are very few criminals with high IQ who understand medical science and chemical knowledge.

  Unfortunately, this time I'm afraid I really met one.

  After learning that there was a major breakthrough in this case, everyone raised their spirits and prepared for the upcoming work.

  While chatting, waiting for Fang Ze to come out.

  When it was almost nine o'clock, there was movement in the room, and the sound of running water sounded. After Fang Ze took a brief shower, he pushed open the door.

  Seeing a large group of people gathered in front of his door, Fang Ze was startled for a moment, and then said embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, I overslept."

  "What do you say, you can work only if you keep your spirits up."

  Ding Chunqiu said with a smile.

  Fang Ze smiled and said nothing.

  He glanced at Luo Bixin and asked, "I know everything."


  Ding Chunqiu said: "I know, Team Luo has already told us the results."

  "it is good."


  Fang Zetou, "Since it's confirmed that it was a murder, then we have to work hard. This time the criminal is not a simple person. How is the surveillance investigation?"

  When it comes to monitoring, Pan Pu said: "Fang team, we have already checked, the monitoring is not blocked. At [-]:[-] last night, someone entered the deceased's room."

  "I've seen the surveillance, this guy must have done it."

  Ding Chunqiu said.


  This was an unexpected gain.

  "Can you see the face?"

  Fang Ze asked.

  Pan Pu shook his head and said, "I can't see clearly, let alone looks. I don't know if it's a man or a woman. The suspect wrapped himself very tightly."

  Hearing this, Fang Ze pondered.

  It appears to be a premeditated murder.

  At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly ran from a distance, shouting as he ran, "Team Fang! There is a major discovery!"

  Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and push

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  :: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

Chapter 96 Serial Murder? 【Fourth more】

  Everyone looked at Jiang Xiaobai who was running.

  At this juncture, any discovery could move the case forward.

  Jiang Xiaobai didn't seem to stop along the way, panting, holding a red silk scarf on his right hand wearing white gloves.

  It was the spot, the one that fell on the dead.

  Fang Ze glanced at the silk scarf on Jiang Xiaobai's hand, and said, "What do you find?"

  After taking a few breaths, Jiang Xiaobai said, "I visited all the shops in Tianlai Manor, and there is one place that sells this kind of silk scarves. They are exactly the same, and the brand is the same."

  "And the boss said that there was a man with a hat and mask a day ago, and he bought five from him."

  As soon as these words came out, everyone's heart tensed.

  Especially a criminal policeman like Ding Chunqiu who has been dealing with the case for many years, his face even became solemn immediately.

  "Are you sure this scarf came from that... store?"

  Ding Chunqiu asked a question.

  Jiang Xiaobai said: "It's just the same. As for whether it's one of the five, I can't be sure, but it's very likely."

  Ding Chunqiu nodded, this should not be a coincidence.

  Especially people who buy silk scarves also wear hats and masks, obviously do not want to be seen by others, very suspicious.

  Luo Bixin and Ding Chunqiu looked at each other, and a bold idea blurted out almost simultaneously.

  "Serial Killing"

  Ding Chunqiu turned his head and continued to ask, "Male and female"

  Jiang Xiaobai: "Men, listen to the voice around thirty years old."

  Everyone looked at Fang Ze subconsciously, waiting for his inference.

  Fang Ze glanced at everyone and said, "Do you think it's a serial murder?"

  Luo Bixin said: "The same silk scarf should not be a coincidence, it is very consistent with the crime habit of serial killers."

  Ding Chunqiu on the side also nodded in agreement.

  Hearing this, Fang Ze touched his forehead and said, "You mean to say that the murderer wants to kill five people, and Li Ruicheng is only the first one."

  "This is looking forward to continuing to die."

  Ding Chunqiu said: "Fang team, this possibility does exist."

  Fang Ze glanced at him and said, "Then what do you want to do to check the whereabouts of the silk scarf, or check the people in the surveillance."

  Ding Chunqiu thought for a while and said, "I think the investigation into Li Ruicheng's death can be suspended first. The murderer may not know the deceased."

  "Random Kill"


  Ding Chunqiu nodded.

  "How to say concentrated sulfuric acid"

  Ding Chunqiu said, "Perhaps to cover up clues, such as fingerprints."

  Fang Ze was silent.

  It is indeed a very bold idea. With only five silk scarves, it is possible to infer the possibility of a serial murder case, and there is no problem in the direction.

  If there is a second dead person and a second scarf, then this possibility can basically be confirmed.

  But Fang Ze did not agree in his heart.

  The first is the murderer's killing method, which can be said to be flawless.

  To put it arrogantly, if it weren't for him here, it would be impossible to find out the real cause of death of the deceased.

  The purpose of the murderer is to cover up the truth.

  Then, if it was a serial murder case, this kind of cover-up would be because it was impossible for five people in a row to die of cardiac arrest inexplicably, plus the red scarf that was extremely suspicious.

  Isn't it obvious to tell the police: I killed it? What's the point? The second is the identity of the deceased.

  According to Li Ruisi, his brother has practiced swimming, fighting, fencing and other sports since he was a child, and it is difficult for ordinary people to get close.

  If a serial killer chooses a target, will he choose this kind of person? Anyway, it is Cen Xue next to Li Ruicheng, who is easier to attack.

  Therefore, Fang Ze, do not think this is

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  A serial murder case.

  Although he can't explain the red silk scarf for the time being.

  After expressing their judgment, Ding Chunqiu and the others thought about it and felt that it was indeed very reasonable, so they stopped insisting.

  As long as there is no second dead person.

  On the other side, Li Ruisi breathed a sigh of relief.

  He was really afraid that the police would suspend the investigation of the case.

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