Fang Ze nodded, turned to look out the window, and left Chen Yan a back.

Obviously, he had no intention of sending it.

Of course Chen Yan didn't care, and walked away cautiously.

Ten minutes later, the door opened again.

It's Miyagi.

He walked to Fang Ze's side and asked, "How's it going?"

Fang Ze lit a cigarette and said, "The list will be available in two days."


Miyagi was surprised: "The list of all smuggling gangs in the light"


Fang Ze nodded.

Miyagi Road: "Will he rush to hand over the list? It's only a few days."

Fang Ze smiled and said, "It will definitely be."

"I have given my utmost sincerity. As long as he has no doubts, he will definitely hand over the list."

Hearing this, Miyagi nodded.

He still believed what Fang Ze said.

Doesn't this mean that Guangming's smuggling network will soon be uprooted. At this moment, Fang Ze suddenly asked, "Are you sure that Guangming has no drug trade?"

Miyagi was taken aback.

This is the second time Fang Ze has asked this question.

He thought about it seriously and said, "No, there is no movement from the anti-drug brigade."

"The drug trade is mainly concentrated in Yangcheng."

Hearing this, Fang Ze took a puff of cigarette and did not ask any further questions.

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 508, etc. [2]

"Boss, what's the problem?"

Miyagi asked.


These two words have been called very smoothly.

Fang Ze said: "It's not that there is a problem, just listening to Chen Yan's meaning, it seems that there is a drug supplier and distributor on Guangming's side."


Miyagi's eyes narrowed, and he said, "What is the origin of the drug supplier?"

This is a new situation.

Drugs have always been the target of police crackdowns.

It can be said that as long as it is found, it must be cleaned up with people and goods.

The reason why they spend a lot of time to come to the light is not just to pave the way for Yangcheng? The point is Yangcheng.

Unexpectedly, there is actually a hidden drug trade on the side of Guangming. Isn't it more and more troublesome.

Fang Ze shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Miyagi: "Chen Yan doesn't say it"

Fang Ze thought about it and said, "It's not that he doesn't say it, but he doesn't know either."

"According to Chen Yan, buying drugs is just his part-time job, and he occasionally earns extra money."

"If you don't get a lot of goods, the other party won't let you know too much."

Hearing this, Miyagi nodded: "So it is."

"Is it possible it's just a middleman"

Fang Ze said: "There is such a possibility."

"With such a small amount of goods, ordinary drug lords would not be interested."

"Wait and see, we'll find out soon."

The next morning.

Fang Ze talked to Lin Yujing on the phone as usual.

He must keep abreast of the latest developments in Yangcheng's affairs

Lin Yujing: "Fang team, this kid Mouse has been very restless recently, what should I do?"

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