"Of course I won't hide this kind of thing from you."

"Since it's cooperation, being honest with each other is the most important thing."


In just a few days, the list of all the underground smuggling gangs of Guangming was handed over.

This is definitely a psychological test for Chen Yan.

He no longer doubted Fang Ze's identity, he only worried about whether the other party would go back on his word.

Under the guise of cooperation, wipe out everyone and become a dominant family.

In this case, even the [-]% will not have to go out.

Guaranteed to maximize profits.

Objectively speaking, it is indeed possible.

Chen Yan thought about it a lot and struggled in his heart, but finally chose to believe.

The main reason is that he can't fight at all.

Even if Fang Ze had this kind of thought, he couldn't do anything.

It is better to give sincerity directly, and the result will depend on the will of God.

Hearing Chen Yan's words, Fang Ze smiled and nodded: "Mr. Chen said yes."

When speaking, Fang Ze's eyes flashed an inexplicable light.

He does not doubt the authenticity of the list.

Because Chen Yan doesn't have that courage anymore.

That is to say, up to this moment, the entire bright smuggling network has been completely exposed to the police's sight.

As long as Fang Ze gave an order, the city bureau branch and other units were all dispatched.

In an instant, the smuggling business in Guangming City would collapse and be wiped out.

Everything is moving forward according to Fang Ze's plan.

The process is simple.

Fang Ze, he had already calculated everything.

But now there is a redundant variable.

That is Chen Yankou, the surname "Lu"

the guy.

Regardless of

Who is the other party, if you take care of it together, it will be considered an additional gain.

Thinking of this, Fang Ze put away the list and said, "What happened to that incident?"

Chen Yan knew what Fang Ze was asking, and after being silent for a while, he said, "Sir, it's hard to say."

"I need to get in touch a few more times."

"You also know that this kind of person has a very high vigilance. I hope you don't mind."

Hearing this, Fang Ze pondered for a while and said, "Okay.

For a moment just now, a multiple-choice question came to his mind.

He immediately arrested Chen Yan and asked him the details of the guy named Lu.

In other words, let Chen Yan unite himself and gain the trust of the other party.

In the end he chose the latter.

Because he knew, Chen Yan probably knew very little.

At most, it's just a way to get in touch.

As long as the other party is cunning enough, a contact method is basically useless.

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If so, it is better to wait.

At this time, Chen Yan said: "Sir, I have arranged a dinner tonight, you see"

“What is a dinner party?”

Fang Ze frowned.

Chen Yan said with a smile: "Most of them are the people on the list. I think since we will cooperate in the future, we must get to know each other in advance. What do you mean?"

Hearing this, Fang Ze said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Okay, I'll be there whenever I'm called."

Seeing Fang Ze's agreement, Chen Yan looked overjoyed and said, "Thank you sir for your support, I'll ask my subordinates to come and pick you up when I look back."


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