The criminal policeman who was working did not know that Fang Ze and others were nearby.

Outside the cordon.

Miyagi and Luo Bixin subconsciously looked at Fang Ze.

This change came a little quickly and suddenly.

Who would have thought that Chen Yan, who had just left the toy factory, would be killed in a hutong a kilometer away.

If so, the plan may change.

"Boss, what's going on"

Next to him, Miyagi spoke in a low voice.

This thing is really weird.

Fang Ze did not answer this question.

After standing there for a few seconds, he stepped forward and lifted the cordon.

"What are you doing!"

"Back off! No entry here!"

As soon as he entered, a police officer stopped him.

At the crime scene, unrelated persons are not allowed to approach, in order to prevent the traces of clues from being destroyed.

Fang Ze didn't say much, just took out his certificate.

After a careful look at the police officer blocking the road, his expression changed, and he quickly stood at attention and saluted: "Fang Fang team! I'm sorry!"

Seeing this, Miyagi and Luo Bixin also walked over.


A police officer who recognized Miyagi was immediately taken aback.

Miyagi waved his hand, signaling a few people to move away.

Fang Ze, standing next to Chen Yan's body, looked down at him.

The time of death was not long, about three hours or so.

That is to say, one hour after Chen Yan left the toy factory, he was already killed.

Fang Ze squatted down and carefully checked Chen Yan's injury for a while.

Three knives.

Chen Yan was stabbed three times.

One of the stab wounds was fatal, stabbing in the heart, and he died on the spot.

Judging from the scene, traces and Chen Yan's clothes, he has struggled.

But the strength of the murderer is obviously much higher than that of Chen Yan.

It took no more than ten seconds and five minutes from the moment of action to death, and Fang Ze stood up.

After thinking for a while, he turned his head and said, "Gong team."

These two words made Miyagi look solemn, and quickly said: "Yes!"

Since Fang Ze called out the "Palace Team"

, explain the camouflage task, and this is the end of it.

"With this list, immediately gather people from the City Bureau and the Anti-Smuggling Brigade."

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

"Catch them all."

Saying that, Fang Ze handed the list to Miyagi.

Miyagi took it and said, "Yes!"

After speaking, he quickly turned and left.

Fang Ze glanced at Chen Yan lying on the ground again, and said to the police officer, "You can handle the next thing."

"Yes, the team!"

These cops are actually a little bit confused.

They don't know why the provincial captain, Fang, suddenly came to Guangming.

But shouldn't ask, they naturally won't talk too much.

Fang Ze and Luo Bixin left the crime scene.

The door of the toy factory.

Fang Ze lit a cigarette, frowning slightly, as if in deep thought.

Beside, Luo Bixin said: "Is this case not investigated?"

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