"In nearby towns, husbands and wives quarreled. Husbands ran away in anger and never came back."

"Did you drive?"


Fang Ze was silent.

Luo Bixin wondered: "Fang Ze, you want to intervene in this case"

Fang Ze said with a smile: "No, I'm habitual to ask."

Yuan Zhengfeng looked at Fang Ze's smile and suddenly felt a little bit of anticipation in his heart.

This case has been put on hold for too long, and he expects Fang Ze to help.

When it comes to the word "expert in solving cases", how could the entire Suhai police not know that Fang Ze is a top expert known for his speed.

Luo Bixin opened his mouth and said nothing.

She knew that Fang Ze knew what to do and would not delay the business.

Fang Ze glanced at Luo Bixin and said, "Give me an hour, I will understand."

"Twenty people are missing, it's rare."

Hearing this, Luo Bixin smiled and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you, ask me why."

Seeing that the two were flirting with each other, Yuan Zhengfeng coughed lightly and smiled meaningfully.

"How did you find out about Zhulin Village?"

Fang Ze asked.

Yuan Zhengfeng said: "That's right, we found that the last place where these people were active was the township in the south."

"With this township as the center, the nearest place is Zhulin Village."

"I think they should have come."

Yuan Zhengfeng was a little nervous when discussing the case with Fang Ze.

When expressing my own inferences, I am somewhat hesitant, for fear of making a mistake.

Fang Ze looked at Yuan Zhengfeng and said, "Are you sure there is no trace in the township?"

"Absolutely not."

Yuan Zhengfeng affirmed.

Fang Ze turned his head, looked at the nearby earthen house, and said, "Who lives in this house?"

This house is the first family in the village.

So if the missing person has come, the owner of the house must know.

Yuan Zhengfeng focused the investigation here, nothing.

He is a veteran police officer with many years of experience.

Facing Fang Ze's question, Yuan Zhengfeng replied, "It's an old couple, probably in their fifties."

"The man's name is Wang Wuzhu, and the woman's Chunxi."

Fang Zezheng wanted to continue asking.

At this time, a police officer ran over and said, "Captain, there is a new discovery!"


Yuan Zhengfeng looked positive, "What?"

"According to several villagers, there are several missing persons who once stayed at Wang Wuzhu's house."

Hearing this, Yuan Zhengfeng's eyes lit up and said, "Go, go and ask him!"

After he finished speaking, he turned around and wanted to leave when he suddenly remembered that Fang Ze was still here.

"Square Team"

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Fang Ze waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about me, you are busy."

"sorry sorry"

Yuan Zhengfeng said with a smile, and then walked away quickly.

After so many days, there are finally new clues, and of course he is excited.

"Let's go see too."

Fang Ze put his hands behind his back, and Luo Bixin slowly followed.

At the door of the earthen house, Yuan Zhengfeng stared at the middle-aged man in front of him, raised his hand and said, "This person lived in your house before"

He was holding a photo in his hand.

Wang Wuzhu is a down-to-earth peasant. His clothes are shabby and his body is dirty. It seems that his usual life is not very good.

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