"First it was the original drug plant, and now there is such a big case, do you think he is a competent director?"

"Also, the work of popularizing the law, the task that the grassroots has always grasped closely, he has done too badly."

"Since it's not up to the job, then replace it."

After listening to Fang Ze's words, Luo Bixin nodded slightly.

As it is said

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,indeed so.

Bamboo Forest Village has become an extra-legal place to some extent, which has a lot to do with the local police station's neglect.

Suspension is okay.

It's just that since Fang Ze has given his opinion, it is estimated that the final result on Liang Ting's side will be stricter.

Poor work, nothing to say.

"Why don't we go to Cao Yuan first"

Aside from the murder case, Luo Bixin asked.

Fang Ze shook his head: "It should have run away."

"hmm why"

Fang Ze said: "Since he killed Chen Yan, it means that he has sensed the crisis."

"Just in case, he won't stay."

"Besides, Zhulin Village is located in the mountains, and there is only one road."

"Even if he's still there, he can't run away."

Luo Bixin nodded and said, "Oh, that's fine."

She knew that Fang Ze must have considered everything, so she just asked casually.

"By the way, the person surnamed Lu mentioned by Chen Yan is the same as Cao Yuan, right?"

Fang Ze: "Probably yes."

While chatting, the two quickly came to the place the villagers said.

They stood on a rock and looked out, there was a sea of ​​poppies in front of them! At least three acres.

The cultivation of opium poppy on such a large scale has constituted a crime.

But that's not the point.

Fang Ze is very clear that Cao Yuan, who grows poppy, probably has mastered the extraction technology.

That is, the original plant is turned into a finished product for human consumption.

In this way, there must be a small processing factory in Guangming.

"It's dark under the lights."

"It's a lot of courage."

"Don't be afraid of the villagers' leaks"

Luo Bixin looked at the planting field in front and spoke softly.

"But Chen Yan doesn't have such a big appetite."


Fang Ze nodded and said, "He really didn't."

"This should be one of the sources of Yangcheng's drugs."

"As for the percentage, it is still uncertain."

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 518 The end of things [1]

Luo Bixin said: "In terms of quantity, these few acres of original plants are not enough to support the circulation of drugs in Yangcheng."

"Here, certainly not the main source."

Fang Ze nodded and said, "Yes, there is no doubt about that."

"Cao Yuan should only be a small role in the technical stream, we are not looking for him."

"However, it does not rule out the possibility that this person and Yangcheng know each other."

Hearing this, Luo Bixin said, "That is to say, he went to Yangcheng"

Fang Ze thought for a while and said, "It's hard to say now."

"Search the village, including the nearby mountains, to make sure he has left."

In a mountain village like Zhulin Village, there are many places where people can hide.

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