After speaking, Luo Bixin was stunned and said tentatively: "You mean, the murderer of the corpse dismemberment case is a doctor!"

  "What do you think"

  "If you say that, it's very possible."

  Fang Ze smiled and said, "I already had this idea after reading the corpse dismemberment case file, but I was touched by the cause of Li Ruicheng's death, so I remembered it again."


  Luo Bixin recited a sentence silently, and said, "It's not necessarily true. Cooks and butchers, as well as people who are good at knife work, seem to be able to do it."

  Fang Ze opened his mouth and just wanted to explain, then he smiled and said, "Forget it, talk about it so far, let's take care of what's in front of you first."

  After eating, the two went straight to their room.

  Speechless all night.

  When Fang Ze opened his eyes the next morning, he received a call from Ding Chunqiu.

  The content of the phone call surprised Fang Ze.

  Someone else died.

  This is not the point, the point is the spot

Chapter 99 Or Sudden Cardiac Arrest [Seventh More]

  Twenty kilometers away from Tianlai Manor, there is a building complex under construction.

  Early this morning, workers who came to work found a hanged man in the vacant room on the first floor of the building.

  Frightened, he immediately called the police.

  At this time, the place was blocked, and several police cars came.

  Construction was suspended, and a cordon was set up to prevent outsiders from approaching the site.

  Ding Chunqiu and others were there.

  After receiving a phone call from the bureau, they arrived here quickly, just not far.

  At a certain moment, a white off-road vehicle came from a distance and stopped outside the cordon.

  Fang Ze and Luo Bixin got out of the car quickly.

  Seeing that the captain was coming, the team members in charge of vigilance quickly raised the cordon and let the two pass by.

  "what happened"

  After Fang Ze saw Ding Chunqiu, he asked as he walked.

  Ding "Six Zero Three"

  Chunqiu pointed to the right, where the vacant room on the first floor of the building was, and said, "I found it this morning, I asked about it just now, it wasn't there yesterday, it should have happened last night."

  Fang Ze turned to look.

  A middle-aged man with messy clothes was hung in the air by a long rope, and the surroundings were messy, and there was a high wooden chair under his feet.

  Looking down, you can see that on the ground, a red silk scarf is out of tune with the environment, lying there quietly, very conspicuous.

  Several people approached.

  "Have you checked?"

  Fang Ze asked.

  Ding Chunqiu said: "Not yet, I've only been there for half an hour, I'll talk about it when you come over."

  "Look first to see if it's suicide."


  Fang Ze nodded, approached again, and looked up.

  After only watching for a while, Fang Ze said, "It wasn't suicide, it was artificially hanged after death."

  "So fast"

  Ding Chunqiu and Luo Bixin looked at each other and were surprised.

  Fang Ze pointed at the corpse and said, "It is easy to judge that there are probably several causes of death caused by hanging."

  "First, the rope compresses the blood vessels in the neck, resulting in insufficient oxygen supply to the brain and death. In this case, the face of the deceased will be very pale, which can be ruled out."

  "Second, the rope compresses the respiratory tract and causes suffocation. In this case, the pupils are enlarged and the fists are clenched. It is very painful and the traces are obvious, which can also be ruled out."

  "Third, the weight of the body causes the cervical spine to be broken. In this case, the tongue of the deceased will be exposed. Just refer to the hanged ghost in the TV series."

  After listening to Fang Ze's words, Ding Chunqiu and the others nodded instructed.

  If this is the case, then the deceased is not satisfied.

  Fang Ze continued: "Looking at his calm expression, he seems to be walking peacefully, let him down."

  The voice fell, and several police officers around hurried forward, untied the deceased from the rope, and carefully placed it on the white cloth on the ground.

  The streak on the neck is not obvious, and it can be seen that the time to hang it is not very long.

  At this moment, Ding Chunqiu picked up the red silk scarf on the ground and looked at Fang Ze.

  Fang Ze turned his head and glanced at the red scarf on Ding Chunqiu's hand, "Is it the same?"

  Ding Chunqiu nodded: "Exactly the same"

  Fang Ze's brows were rarely wrinkled.

  What is this situation? According to his previous inference, it should not be a serial killer.

  Luo Bixin also fell silent.

  Seeing that neither of them spoke, Ding Chunqiu said, "Fang team, I think these two cases can be treated as serial murders."

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  "The murderer bought five red silk scarves. This is a provocative signal to the police, indicating that he wants to kill five people. This is already the second one."

  "If we don't take action, the third dead may appear soon!"

  Fang Ze did not respond directly to Ding Chunqiu, and said, "Let's check the cause of death first."

  "it is good."

  Ding Chunqiu nodded, no matter what, the autopsy is what needs to be done now.

  "Where's Mr. Mingchuan?"

  Luo Bixin asked.

  "still on the way."

  A police officer spoke up.

  Fang Ze took the gloves handed over by others and said, "I'll do it. Except for the scene, those who collect evidence will go out and wait first."


  Ding Chunqiu and Luo Bixin responded, then turned and left the place.

  "Everyone, be careful and see if you can extract fingerprints and footprints."

  After Fang Ze gave an order, he stepped forward and squatted beside the deceased.

  Twenty minutes later, Fang Ze got up and walked out of the scene.

  Seeing that the other party was over, Ding Chunqiu and Luo Bixin hurried over.

  "what's the result"

  Fang Ze took off his gloves and said softly, "The cause of death is still cardiac arrest."

  Hearing this, the faces of the two of them immediately froze.

  Saying this is exactly the same as Li Ruicheng's death.

  It's already pretty certain that this is a serial murder case.

  Fang Ze looked at Ding Chunqiu, who said, "I think it's certain."

  Seeing this, Fang Ze looked at Luo Bixin again.

  Luo Bixin hesitated a little, then said, "I'll listen to you."

  After pondering for a while, Fang Ze said: "In this way, inform Teacher Ming Chuan not to use it, and transport the body back for blood testing."

  "Tian Lai Manor won't go back, send someone to take away Li Ruicheng's body, let's go back to the bureau."

  The two nodded at the same time: "Okay."

  four hours later.

  Penghai Municipal Bureau.

  Ming Chuan took off his mask and walked out of the forensic room, standing in front of everyone.

  Everyone looked at him, waiting for the identification results.

  Mingchuan said: "The cause of death was cardiac arrest, which is no problem. I followed the instructions of the team to conduct a blood test, and found no hydrogen fluoride or ions, nor any other traces of man-made."

  "It's safe to say that the second person died was an accidental death."


  Hearing this, Ding Chunqiu frowned and said, "Mr. Mingchuan, are you sure?"

  Ming Chuan nodded: "Very sure, I still have 4.

  2. After the pathological examination, the body of the deceased was already very bad, so the sudden death is not surprising."


  Ding Chunqiu was suddenly confused.

  Accidentally died and then was hanged. According to the scene, the red silk scarf left behind, the person who did this, no matter how you looked at it, was the same person who killed Li Ruicheng.

  At this time, Luo Bixin put forward a guess: "Perhaps when the murderer was committing the murder, the victim was overstimulated because of the shock, causing cardiac arrest."

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