Miyagi nodded: "Don't worry, the team, I know what."

For such a big case, the detection does not mean the end.

The subsequent processing work will be very troublesome.

In a short time, he can't rest

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Chapter 519 Temporary Deputy Office, First-level Police Superintendent [1]

On the way back to Yangcheng.

Luo Bixin is driving.

The co-pilot, Fang Ze looked at the scenery outside the window, a little stunned.

"what are you thinking"

Luo Bixin turned to look at Fang Ze and asked.

Fang Ze retracted his gaze and said, "Cun and Shan did not find Cao Yuan, so let's make an assumption."

"Suppose he went to Yangcheng."

"Assume he knows the drug lord in Yangcheng."

"Then will he sound the alarm and tell those people that we have started to act?"

Hearing this, Luo Bixin said: "If the assumption is true, it should be."

Fang Ze was silent for a while, noncommittal.

After a while, he opened his mouth and said, "The undercover work of the remaining sins will be even more dangerous."


Hearing Fang Ze's tone, Luo Bixin asked, "Are you going to replace someone?"

Fang Ze shook his head and said, "If you don't change it, Yu Sin's potential has not yet seen the upper limit. I believe him."

"By the way, when did he get out of prison?"

Luo Bixin thought about it and said, "It's about half a month left."

"Half a month"

Fang Ze recited it silently, and said, "There's still half a month to send out the burden, when that time comes"

At this moment, the ringing of the mobile phone interrupted his words.

It's Fang Ze's phone.

He picked it up subconsciously, glanced at the caller ID, and immediately connected

"Hey Zhou Lao."

Hearing these two words, Luo Bixin, who was driving, quickly stopped talking and calmed down.

Elder Zhou: "Ozawa, are your men all right?"

He had already learned about Wu Fei's serious injury from Li Ruisi's mouth.

Because of this, he didn't call Fang Ze.

The matter on Zhongnan's side has basically come to an end, of course he can tell which one is more important.

After all, Fang Ze is the chief criminal police officer of the Suhai Provincial Department, not the private detective of him and Li Xingchao.

Fang Ze said with a smile: "It's okay, Elder Zhou, he has been transferred to the general ward, and I believe he will be discharged soon."

Zhou Lao: "That's good, has the other party caught it?"

Fang Ze: "No, I killed them all. They were a group of drug dealers with guns."

Zhou Lao was silent for a while, and said, "It's good to solve it."

"I have nothing to do here, just make a phone call."

Fang Ze hesitated for a moment and said, "Have you asked?"

Zhou Lao: "I asked, I know you don't like disputes, so I won't tell you the details to avoid trouble."

Fang Ze: "Thank you Mr. Zhou for understanding."

Zhou Lao: "There is one more thing."

Fang Ze: "Elder Zhou, say it."

Zhou Lao paused and said, "I have a question for you, do you want to come to Zhongnan for development?"

Fang Ze: "This"

he guessed who

Zhou Lao: "You can first listen to the work arrangement, it is the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry."

Fang Ze smiled bitterly and said, "Elder Zhou, I don't want to go."

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