"What's wrong"

The mouse looked at Fang Ze and Fang Ze suspiciously.

Fang Ze twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "Do you think it's possible?"

According to the normal promotion process, the average police officer needs to work for at least three years before he has the opportunity to be promoted to the second-level superintendent.

It's just an opportunity.

This guy, do you really think the superintendent is a Chinese cabbage? As for himself.

is an exception.

The mouse scratched his head and said, "That's not fair."

"Yu Xun is a second-level superintendent. I can't be just a little policeman. It's a shame."

Fang Ze's smile faded, and he said slowly, "First, Yu Xun was in prison, and he became the head of the prison in just two days. Can you do it?"

"Second, the task of Yu Sin is very dangerous, either become a second-level superintendent, or"

Having said that, Fang Ze paused and said, "Sacrifice."

These two words make the mouse feel tight.

"Do you still want a police title?"

"Why don't I send you in, you try"

The mouse swallowed his saliva and said, "No no no no no."

Fang Ze smiled lightly: "It's good to know."

"Follow me tomorrow, I have a task for you."

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Chapter 521 Plan [1]

8:[-] am the next day.

The gate of the first prison.

The door opened, and a figure stepped out, holding a black tote bag in his hand.

There is no doubt about it.

During his time in prison, he seems to have experienced a lot and grown a lot.

There was a sense of vicissitudes on the face that was still somewhat immature.

There was no cynicism in his eyes, instead, there was maturity that had never been seen before.

It seems that there is a saying that is right: life in prison can make a person grow up quickly.

Yu Sin raised his head slightly, looked at the blue sky, and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Although I know in my heart that going to prison is fake, life in prison is a real experience.

A long-lost sense of freedom that he had never had before.


Not far away, the voice of the mouse came.

Yu Sin turned his head subconsciously and was stunned when he saw the mouse.

Why did this guy come? At the same time, he also saw Fang Ze standing in front of the car.

He understood instantly.

It is estimated that the mouse knew about the Yangcheng training camp.

Fang Ze walked over and threw a pack of cigarettes to Yu Sin.

Yu Sin stretched out his hand to take it and opened it skillfully.

"Your brother is not bad. It took a lot of effort to get you out during this time."

Fang Ze said with a smile.

Hearing this, Yu Sin looked at the mouse, who had been smirking, unconsciously moved in his heart.

What is a friend? This is a friend.

Only in adversity can we see the truth.

It is estimated that it was precisely because of the persistence of the mouse that Fang Ze finally chose to tell the other party the truth.

Otherwise, it will be a ticking time bomb sooner or later.

"Let's go."

Fang Ze waved his hand.

Yu Sin doubts: "Where to go"

Fang Ze said: "The hotel is all arranged."

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