Fang Ze: "Tell me."

Yu Sin put out the cigarette and said, "Since you are an undercover agent, you should make the meeting as natural as possible."

"It's impossible to meet by chance, there is no intersection between us, and doing so will only arouse suspicion."

"Also, I can't look down on him."

"The best result is that he took the initiative to win me over."

After listening to Yu Xun's words, Fang Ze nodded in admiration and said, "Continue."

Yu Sin paused and said, "Then let's arrange a crime from his only path."

"What does the team think?"

Fang Ze said indifferently, "I agree."

Hearing this, Yu Sin nodded and said, "How about the robbery?"


Fang Ze smiled.


Yu Sin looked at Fang Ze in surprise and said, "How do you know what I'm thinking?"

Fang Ze said: "From Fu Guosheng's release from prison to his return home, he only stopped the car once."

"That's the national highway toll station."

"It was a coincidence that it would rain heavily on the day he was released, which was very helpful in your actions."

"Then it's settled. I will notify the regional bureau to suspend police monitoring of toll booths."

Yu Xun scratched his forehead.

Why does he feel that Fang Ze seems to be able to guess his own thoughts? Is this the strength of a case-solving expert? "There is one more question."

Fang Ze smiled and said, "Speak."

Yu Sin said: "The person who pretended to kidnap An Jialu, yes"

Mentioning this matter, Fang Ze pondered for a while, and said, "My direct subordinate is special."

"During your undercover period, he will help you at critical moments and try to ensure that your identity will not be exposed as much as possible."

Hearing this, Yu Sin moved his eyes and nodded slightly.

"it is good."


The chapter is 521. Coincidentally, the author got the license today, the marriage certificate, and went to line up at three in the morning.

I've been busy lately because of this.

The plot of the extra sin is in the outline, but it is very bland to write, and I don't think it is interesting.

It will be written faster.

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 522 The burden is sent out [1]

a week later.

The sunny weather in Yangcheng that lasted for a long time suddenly became dark.

The Bureau of Meteorology has already issued an orange warning signal for the province, and the typhoon is about to arrive.

The strong wind will be accompanied by heavy rainfall.

Coincidentally, Fu Guosheng just got out of prison today.

This weather is often the time when crime is high.

Because of law enforcement, it will be very difficult.

3:[-] pm.

The strong wind swept the entire Yangcheng.

What followed was pouring rain.

The rain was heavy, and it had not been raining so heavily in Yangcheng for a long time.

Many employers have stopped production for safety reasons.

There are almost no pedestrians on the road.

Only the occasional slow passing vehicle.

At this moment, whether at home or outside, only the sound of rain echoed in my ears.

A national highway toll station, one hundred meters away.

A business van is parked here.

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