Angus said: "When you find the train station, you do it right away.

I found out that something was wrong, but I suddenly thought of it later.”

Fang Ze told the truth: "I suddenly thought of it when I was going to ambush at the train station."

Angus: 'How did you think of college'

Fang Ze: "Infer."

Angus was silent.

After a while, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Amazing."

"You are the smartest person I have ever met."

"If you commit a crime, I'm afraid no country in the world can do anything to you."

Fang Ze smiled and said, "Thank you for the compliment, do you have any questions?"

Angus shook his head.

Fang Ze said: "Okay, can I ask?"

"Just ask."

Angus sighed.

He has nothing to hide.

Because the secrets in my heart have long been dug up.

"it is good."

Fang Ze nodded and asked the first question.

"Spy intelligence, how did you learn about it?"

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Chapter 531 Question [3]

This is Fang Ze's very strange question from the very beginning.

Since it is a spy, it is absolutely confidential.

Not much is known to insiders, let alone Angus, if an outsider answers this question, Angus cannot give him a satisfactory answer.

Then Fang Ze will carefully consider the authenticity of the other party's intelligence.

In case of making fun of them and facing Fang Ze's question, Angus didn't think much about it and said directly: "I understand what you mean."

"I'm an international criminal and shouldn't have information about spies from other countries, right?"

Fang Ze didn't answer, just looked at him so quietly.

Chat with smart people without much language.

Angus continued: "I was in the country for a while, that was three years ago."

"When I was in the country, I killed three people in total."

"The first one is a businessman."

"The second one is my enemy."

"The last one, from the corner tower."

"Intelligence, learned from the last population."

Hearing this, Fang Ze didn't react, and said, "This doesn't seem to be in line with your murder technique."

According to Angus' method, murder does not need to be done by yourself at all.

Li Chenxuan is like this.

Whether it was an accident or something else, there was no chance for face-to-face communication with the deceased.

So, how did these intelligence know Angus said: "Yes, but this person is a very careful guy, I have no chance."

"That time, three people worked together to kidnap and kill each other."

Hearing this, Fang Ze pondered for a while and said, "It's still not right."

"You don't need too much nonsense to kill, can't you chat with him before you start?"

Angus said calmly: "This is my habit.

"The more I know secretly, the better I am."

"As for Huaxia, my eyes are dark. Since I have the opportunity, of course I won't miss it."

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"What do you think"

Fang Ze lowered his eyelids.

The arrest of the other party this time is a good example.

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