Hearing this, Tai Wei was thoughtful

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 536 The Disappearing Weapon [1]

After pondering for a while, Tai Wei said helplessly: "But the murder weapon is precisely the most difficult physical evidence to find in this case."

"The deceased's home, Guo Peng's home, Ren Cheng's home, including the surrounding area of ​​several kilometers, were all searched in a carpet manner."

"Unfortunately, no suspicious blunt weapons were found."

Fang Ze thought about it and said, "Are there any rivers or lakes around?"

Tai Wei shook his head and said, "No."

Throwing the weapon to the bottom of the lake, Tai Wei also thought about it.

But the nearest lake is [-] kilometers away, and it takes up to two hours to go back and forth.

If the killer did this while driving, it would greatly increase the risk of exposure.

Also, you will leave yourself a two-hour blank period.

Once the police asked, it was difficult for him to explain where he had been in the past two hours.

And now that the surveillance is dense, it is impossible to hide.

Fang Ze frowned slightly and said, "It shouldn't be."

"Although the murder weapon is very important to the murder case, it is not iron-clad evidence for identifying the murderer."

Tai Wei nodded and said, "Yes."

"First of all, the fingerprints on the murder weapon can be completely wiped off."

"Secondly, it is also difficult to investigate the source of the murder weapon."

"So the murderer shouldn't spend a lot of effort to hide the weapon."

"It's not worth the loss."

On this point, he agrees with Fang Ze's judgment.

After all, he is an old criminal policeman for many years, and he is a captain-level figure, so he still has some experience.

So, where did the murder weapon go? As Fang Ze said, the key point of this case may lie in the disappearance of the murder weapon.

If the murder weapon is found, it is very likely that the case will be solved.

But how to find and where to find Tai Wei can be said to be in trouble now.

Otherwise, he would not have called Fang Ze out for a drink.

Fang Ze picked up the wine and filled it up, and said, "Let's talk about it tomorrow, maybe there will be new clues in court."

Hearing this, Tai Wei smiled bitterly: "The court is the debate between the two sides, what new clues can there be?"

Fang Ze said casually: "Maybe the real murderer will also be there."


Hearing this, Tai Wei raised his head sharply.

Fang Ze's words can always be unexpected.

And, quite worth the scrutiny.

"you mean"

Fang Ze took a sip of wine and said, "Does Team Tai feel the case is a robbery?"

Tai Wei frowned and said, "The villa was indeed looted."

Fang Ze continued: "Is the security of the villa monitoring the wound in front of the deceased?"

Tai Wei was stunned.

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He seemed to understand what Fang Ze meant.

Guo Peng's testimony and Ren Cheng's testimony contradicted each other, to the extent that one must lie.

Also, the monitoring point in the villa area was not damaged.

Third, the gate of the villa is a special high-grade lock, which is extremely difficult for outsiders to enter.

Fourth, the wound of the deceased is on the back.

From this inference, the possibility of burglary and murder is actually not high.

The murderer should be an acquaintance.

"Fang team, how do you know that the wound of the deceased is not in front"

Tai Wei was a little surprised.

Fang Ze should have never read the autopsy report.

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