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, but not in the autopsy report!"


Fang Ze was stunned, turned to look at Tai Wei next to him, and said, "Team Tai, is there a wound on the palm of the deceased's palm?"

Tai Wei was also a little confused, and subconsciously said: "I don't know, that's the job of a forensic doctor."

"Probably not. If there is a wound, it can be seen at the first scene."

Liu Shen handed a few documents to the jury and said, "These are photos of the palms of the deceased."

"You can clearly see that there is a shallow wound on it."

"Although it's a minor injury, it's enough to bleed some blood."

"After identification, this injury was scratched by a broken glass on the afternoon of the day the deceased died."

"And my client, Guo Peng, was beside the deceased at the time."

Speaking, Liu Shen turned to face the audience and said, "The so-called evidence, the truth is this."

"On the afternoon of the deceased's death, my client Guo Peng was chatting with the deceased in the villa, and the broken glass happened to shatter, scratching the palm of the deceased's hand."

"And when Guo Peng was cleaning up, his sleeves were stained with blood."

"That's where the blood comes from."

The voice fell, and the city bureau representative frowned deeply.

Why didn't Guo Peng hide these things in his testimony until the end, at the trial scene, did he expose this to expand his influence? "This guy"

Tai Wei looked at Guo Peng with a calm face, and he didn't know what to feel.

At first he thought that the other party was not the murderer.

But doing so will quickly reduce the prestige of the Municipal Bureau in the eyes of the public.

What kind of hatred? Fang Ze also looked at Guo Peng in surprise, and said in a low voice, "Rui Si, your friend is not authentic."


Li Ruisi was a little embarrassed, and glared at Guo Peng in dissatisfaction.

Since the source of the bloodstain is normal, it is enough to say it at the city bureau.

Liu Shen nodded, turned around and returned to the dock.

The words just now were included in the official court record.

It is very likely that it will have a considerable impact on the final outcome of the trial.

Next, is the second point that is unfavorable to Guo Peng.

"Invite witnesses to the stage."

The presiding judge opened his mouth.

Soon, a man in his 506,506s, [-], [-] years old walked out of the backstage and stood on the witness stand.

This person is Ren Cheng.

Perhaps it was because of his busy work all year round that he looked very old.

"Witnesses please speak."

Ren Cheng glanced at Guo Peng, and then explained everything he heard that night.

The content is simple.

When he returned to the villa to get things, he heard the voices of the two chatting at the door of the bedroom.

And for sure, that is Guo Peng.

The time point is completely contrary to the time Guo Peng said he had left.

In other words, Guo Peng is lying.

Only Guo Peng has the time to commit the crime.

This testimony was extremely detrimental to Guo Peng.

"This guy"

Li Ruisi's eyes were not good.

This is total false accusation.

Fang Ze took a deep look at Ren Cheng, then turned to look at Liu Shen.

At this moment, Liu Shen still had a smile on his face.

He was not affected in any way by Ren Cheng's testimony

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 540 Overturning the Testimony [1]

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