In the auditorium, Fang Ze blinked and stared at Liu Shen for a long time.

This guy is really not easy.

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"What did you say"

Ren Cheng leaned forward, as if he wanted to hear Liu Shen's voice.

The other party deliberately lowered the volume just now.

Ren Cheng's actions have already proved Liu Shen's words in disguise.

Liu Shen turned his head and said loudly, "Mr. Ren, you seem to have forgotten to bring your hearing aid today."


Ren Cheng's eyes narrowed.

The increase in volume made him hear Liu Shen's words.

Liu Shen ignored Ren Cheng and continued: "Everyone sees Mr. Ren, he has a hearing impairment!"

"His hearing aid was broken on the night of the crime."

"And the time to buy a new hearing aid is after the incident!"

"That means when he returned to the villa, there were no hearing aids in his ears."

"You know, the bedroom door in the deceased's villa is more than [-] centimeters thick."

"He just passed the bedroom, but he could hear the voices clearly through the thick bedroom door."

"It can be distinguished accurately"

"That is the door wood of high-grade sound insulation material!"

"I'm afraid even people with normal hearing can't do it!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Shen looked at Ren Cheng with a smile on his face, and there was coldness in his eyes.

His meaning is obvious. The other party, as a witness, has perjured and framed Guo Peng! "I rely on me, you are awesome!"

Li Ruisi exclaimed wonderfully while heaving a sigh of relief.

This means that the two points against Guo Peng have been overturned by Liu Shen's debate.

Beside him, Fang Ze was not surprised. He turned to look at Tai Wei, and said strangely, "Have you not checked this matter?"

Tai Wei sighed, shook his head and said, "No, it was my negligence."

Fang Ze didn't say much.

It is normal for the police to be negligent in the process of handling cases.

It's just that this negligence isn't a trivial matter.

If it weren't for Liu Shen, Ren Cheng's testimony would most likely be adopted.

Then Guo Peng is in danger.

He couldn't explain it at all.

"No injustice, no enmity, why"

Tai Wei didn't understand.

According to normal procedures, people who have nothing to do with the suspect can take testimony.

Ren Cheng is only the housekeeper of the deceased, and should not have any grudges with Guo Peng.

At this moment, the presiding judge's face darkened slightly, staring at Ren Cheng and said, "Witness, please explain this matter."

Liu Shen's words are well-founded and well-founded.

Compared with Ren Cheng, who is one-sided, of course, Liu Shen is more trustworthy.


Ren Cheng's expression changed.

"Let me explain."

Liu Shen interrupted Ren Cheng and said, "Mr. Ren and my client have a grudge!"

As soon as these words came out, the scene of the trial immediately became: riotous.

This news is a bit sudden.

How could a housekeeper have a grudge against Guo Peng? Liu Shen took a few steps forward and looked at Ren Cheng and said, "The deceased Zhang Mao once wanted to leave you a fortune, right?"

"Unfortunately, it was rejected by my client Guo Peng."

"And Zhang Mao, he obeyed Guo Peng's advice."

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