Obviously, they were equally surprised.

At this moment, everyone's eyes turned to the door on the left.

The door opened, and a woman stepped in.

After seeing this woman, Guo Peng's eyes widened, and he seemed a little confused.

Fang Ze whispered, "Who is this?"

Li Ruisi looked at each other in disbelief and replied, "This is Guo Peng's wife!"

"What did you say"

Fang Ze and Tai Wei were surprised at the same time.

Guo Peng's wife, testified to the plaintiff about what happened. At this moment, Liu Shen stood up suddenly and said solemnly, "Presiding Judge, I protest!"

"Han Xiaoqing is my client's wife and cannot testify in court according to the law!"

The presiding judge glanced at Liu Shen and said lightly, "The protest is invalid."

"A witness cannot testify for the defendant, but has nothing to do with the plaintiff and can be a witness for the plaintiff."

Hearing this, Liu Shen's tone suffocated.

He could not refute the presiding judge's words.

Because what the other party said is correct! Han Xiaoqing can fully testify for the plaintiff! The development of the matter exceeded everyone's expectations again.

Everyone had no idea what was going on.

Only Fang Ze frowned and pondered for a while, then turned to look at Liu Shen, who was finally no longer calm, thoughtful.

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 542 I am not Guo Peng's wife [1]

Needless to say, this trial was quite dramatic.

The only person who could provide Guo Peng an alibi was his wife, Han Xiaoqing.

However, because Han Xiaoqing is a relative of Guo Peng, her testimony is not convincing at all, and she cannot testify in court.

Now, the other party has changed and has actually become the plaintiff's witness.

This plot is even more exciting than the TV series! At the scene, there was no sound, and Han Xiaoqing was staring intently.

They all want to know why the other party is testifying in court and what they will say.

As for Guo Peng's face, it was a little ugly.

It was evident from his expression that he did not know this in advance.

"Please speak to witnesses."

The presiding judge ignored everyone's surprise and spoke directly.

Han Xiaoqing stood on the witness stand, first glanced at Guo Peng, and then slowly said, "What I want to say is very simple."

"On the night Zhang Mao was killed, Guo Peng didn't go home around ten o'clock, but eleven o'clock!"

As soon as this sentence was uttered, the audience was in an uproar! At eleven o'clock, that is to say, Guo Peng was lying before. If it was eleven o'clock, it meant that Guo Peng had enough time to kill.

The alibi, which could not be verified before, was instantly reversed.

"You are talking nonsense!!"

As soon as these words came out, Guo Peng couldn't keep his calm any longer, stood up abruptly, and said angrily.

"Xiaoqing! Why are you making up this lie!"


Han Xiaoqing's face was calm and she said, "I'm just stating a fact."


Guo Peng looked angry and wanted to go forward to find the other party's theory, but the police stopped him.

"do not move!"

The presiding judge turned to look at Guo Peng and said, "Defendant, please calm down!"

"Disturbing the court order is a legal responsibility!"

How could Guo Peng listen to this, struggling in the same place.

Anyone with discernment knows that this is useless.


-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

It can be seen that Guo Peng seems to have lost his mind.

Liu Shen frowned and said, "Mr. Guo, calm down first, trust me."

Hearing this, Guo Peng glanced at Liu Shen, then slowly regained his calm, and then sat back angrily.

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