It just feels a little weird.

However, Fang Ze has always had a rule: if it doesn't make sense, there must be a problem.

Did he think wrong or did he think too much? He looked at Liu Shen with a calm face, and the frown deepened.

He just came here to listen, and by the way, he wanted to see if the real murderer really dared to come to the trial scene.

But I didn't think about the development of things, it seems a little out of the normal track.

Or it could be said that all of this was originally an abnormal truth, and was being hidden by someone with a heart. Fang Ze turned his head and glanced at Li Ruisi beside him.

At this time, the other party smiled and looked very relaxed.

Now, all the points against Guo Peng have been overturned by Liu Shen.

Most importantly, because of Han Xiaoqing's false accusation, Guo Peng's alibi was confirmed.

He couldn't have time to kill Zhang Mao.

On the other hand, in the auditorium, all the people who knew Guo Peng began to communicate with each other.

They are no longer under pressure, but are waiting for the court's verdict.

If nothing else, Guo Peng will definitely be acquitted.

On the other hand, the presiding judge and the jury are also discussing.

The court is expected to adjourn soon.

All this fell into Fang Ze's eyes, which made him suddenly have an illusion at this moment.

The entire court trial process seemed to be a scam.

Someone manipulated behind the scenes, making the original accusation against Guo Peng completely turned into a reverse exoneration.

Is that really so? Fang Ze's eyes turned cold.

He slowly turned his head and looked at Liu Shen, who had returned to a lazy state again, and Guo Peng, who had a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Two words came to mind.

Reverse Thinking.

Hide from the sky

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 546 No power? 【2】

"Now adjourn for half an hour."

The presiding judge's voice sounded.

Afterwards, he and the jurors left the court scene.

After half an hour, the verdict of the first instance will be announced.

Whispering voices rang out from all corners at this time.

Judging from the current situation, the possibility of Guo Peng being acquitted is very high.

Even if there are still some details that are not clear, the alibi alone is enough for the court to ignore everything.

A person with a perfect alibi is impossible to commit a crime.

"Hey, it's finally over."

"What is this called?"

Li Ruisi stretched his waist long and said with a smile.

As Guo Peng's friend and partner, whether from a business perspective or a friendship perspective, he doesn't want anything to happen to the other party.

In terms of looking at people, Li Ruisi is quite accurate.

Guo Peng, it is absolutely impossible to kill.

Other than that, there is no reason at all.

Without a motive, who would kill someone casually.

Tai Wei sighed and said, "It seems that Guo Peng is indeed not the murderer."

"Who is the real murderer?"

After speaking, he subconsciously glanced around.

Fang Ze once said that the real murderer is likely to appear at the trial scene.

He already had the list of everyone present in his hands.

But no matter how you look at it, there is no suspicious person.

To solve this case, I am afraid it will not happen overnight.

"Fang team, what's wrong"

Seeing that Fang Ze has been in silence, Tai Wei opened his mouth in doubt.

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