After the voice fell, the audience shook! This young man can actually represent the Criminal Investigation Bureau, "Criminal Investigation Bureau!"

Liu Shen's expression changed, and he looked at Fang Ze in disbelief.

"On behalf of the Criminal Investigation Bureau"

These five words are not... they can be said casually.

You must have enough confidence! At the very least, you must reach the level of the deputy director of the Criminal Investigation Bureau.

He never believed that a young man who was not even [-] years old could sit above the deputy bureau of the Criminal Investigation Bureau.

It doesn't matter how big the background is.

This is not something that someone behind you can ascend.

or have sufficient qualifications.

Or make a huge contribution to the country.

Either its own ability is extremely high, and it is rare in 100 years....

In other words, only in times of war can there be a "young general"

Now is the time of peace, how could Liu Shen, who has risen so fast, have the first reaction that Fang Ze is bragging.

"Fang team, are you kidding me?"

Liu Shen spoke in a deep voice.

Fang Ze glanced at him and said, "Do you think I'm joking?"

Liu Shen frowned.

He couldn't test the truth of Fang Ze's words, he could only look at the presiding judge.

At this time, the presiding judge was also a little surprised.

After being silent for a while, he said, "Fang team, please wait a moment."

After speaking, he turned around and left the court hearing.

I should have called to confirm my identity.

There are only a few leaders of the Central South Public Procuratorate and they all know each other.

But he didn't know that the Criminal Investigation Bureau had a person like Fang Ze.

Mainly because the time is too short.

It has only been a few days since Li Xingchao issued the document.

In the dock, Liu Shen and Guo Peng looked at each other, and both saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

This accident took them by surprise.

Although Liu Shen does not believe that Fang Ze can really represent the Criminal Investigation Bureau.

But after all, he is the chief criminal police chief of the provincial department, and he should not be idle and doing nothing. It is easy to be dismantled by bragging here.

"What did he see?"


Liu Shen thought silently in his heart.

Soon, the presiding judge returned.

At this moment, with a smile on his face, he went straight to Fang Ze, stretched out his hand and said, "Sorry, sorry, my news is too blocked."

"I didn't expect Fang Ju to come over today, why didn't I say hello in advance?"

While speaking, the two held hands together.

Seeing this scene, Liu Shen's face trembled.

"Fang Bureau"

These two words are enough to explain that the trial has confirmed Fang Ze's identity.

"How did he get this seat!"

Next, Liu Shen was shocked.

The director of the Criminal Investigation Bureau, but a department-level cadre.

In a way, the power is greater than the minister.

After all, the Criminal Investigation Bureau is a national-level unit! It can be said that it is the pinnacle of the Chinese police circle.

Especially since Fang Ze is still so young, it is absolutely possible for him to rise to the ministerial level in the future and take charge of all the police in China.

Liu Shen felt a little nonsense.

Even if the person behind him is the one behind him, he can't rise so fast.

Guo Peng frowned more and more deeply, he turned to look at Li Ruisi.

"Why did this kid bring people from the Criminal Investigation Bureau?"

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