Fang Ze said.

Guo Peng took a puff of cigarette, forced a smile, and said, "I don't think there's anything else to say."

"The process you deduced is basically nothing different."

"I just put the ice cubes in my bag and killed Zhang Mao from behind when he wasn't paying attention."

"Then, melt the ice in the bathroom."

"It's that simple."

Fang Ze stared at Guo Peng for a while, then smiled and said, "That's not what I asked."

Guo Peng raised his head: "Then what do you want to ask?"

Fang Ze shook his head and said, "It's all now, don't play tricks."

"I'm asking about motivation."

"What about Zhang Mao's son, it's you who said it, or I'll check it out"

"Don't challenge my patience."

At the end, Fang Ze's voice became cold.

Hearing this, Guo Peng's fingers with the cigarette trembled slightly.

He lowered his head into silence.

Fang Ze was not in a hurry, just waited silently.

After a while, Guo Peng sighed deeply and said, "How on earth did you think of this?"

This sentence has already admitted the matter in disguise.

Seeing this, Tai Wei subconsciously turned his head to look at Fang Ze, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Like Guo Peng, he is also curious.

How did Fang Ze know? Fang Ze flicked the soot, and said lightly: "To be honest, I really guessed."

"Because you didn't have any motive to kill Zhang Mao."

"I can only think about other points."

"After all possibilities have been ruled out, there is only one last possibility left."

"That's the truth."

"Killing Zhang Mao is of no benefit to you."

"You won't do it unless you have to."

"Unless, he must die."

"By chance, he mentioned it casually when he was chatting with Li Ruisi."

After listening to Fang Ze's words, Guo Peng couldn't help swallowing.

At this moment, from the bottom of his heart, Fang Ze raised a chill.

This man is really scary.

"Li Ruisi, this bastard! Why are you looking for such a monstrous person!"

"Waiting for my death!"

"What a disservice!"

Guo Peng cursed in his heart.

Because of the business, he has a good relationship with Li Ruisi.

When the accident happened, he also knew that Li Ruisi helped a lot.

But you can get someone to help you.

Just be smarter.

Can you stop looking for such an awesome guy now, everything has been exposed thoroughly.

Really "lost friend"

The two words here are implemented to the extreme! Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 556 Guo Peng's Psychology [2]

Interrogation room.

Fang Ze looked at Guo Peng and said, "I have already answered your question."

"Now to you."

"I only give you one chance."

"Make me unhappy again, you know the consequences."

"Don't play with fire."

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