Fang Ze asked: "Is it close to Central South University of Science and Technology?"

Tai Wei was stunned for a moment and said, "It's pretty close."

Asked here, Fang Ze narrowed his eyes and said, "Team Tai, wait a moment."

After speaking, he took out his mobile phone, turned around and dialed a number.

The phone was connected quickly.

"Hello squad."

A familiar voice came from the phone.

It belongs to Wang Qiang.

Fang Ze said: "Leader Wang, how's the investigation going?"

Wang Qiang: "I'm still investigating, so far no suspicious people have been found."

Fang Ze: "Leave the work at hand, and now make every effort to investigate the Central South University of Science and Technology."

"You go first, I'll be there in an hour."

Wang Qiang: "Okay, I'll do it right away.

Set off."

He didn't ask why.

He knew Fang Ze, he must have found something or deduced something.

After hanging up the phone, Fang Ze turned around and said, "Team Tai, can I go with you?"

Hearing this, Tai Wei was puzzled at first, then looked happy and said, "Of course!"

If Fang Ze could go to the scene, he couldn't ask for it.

"Rui Si, you go back first."

Fang Ze looked at Li Ruisi.


Li Ruisi didn't plan to get involved, so he said hello to Tai Wei and left.

Afterwards, Fang Ze got into Tai Wei's car and rushed to the scene.

On the way, Fang Ze's face was a little unsightly.

Having experienced so many cases, he has had countless guesses.

Ninety-nine percent of them are correct.

He also hoped that his guesses would match the facts.

But this time, he really hoped he had guessed wrong.

It shouldn't be so coincidental. Please read the underlined version of the novel.

Chapter 559 DNA race detection? 【2】

After half an hour.

An apartment in South China.

This is a commercial house, each house is small in size, with one bedroom, one living room and one bathroom.

It is less than two stops away from Central South University of Science and Technology, very close.

After the vast majority of homeowners buy an apartment, they will choose escrow, which is renting.

Hourly, daily, monthly, annual.

And there is no deposit.

In first-tier cities, this kind of apartment is still relatively popular.

Compared with hotels and guesthouses, the environment of apartments is closer to a family, which is relatively warm.

Also, ID is rarely required.

Generally, you only need to register your ID number to check in.

No one ever checked to see if the number was wrong.

Therefore, a considerable number of people will be happy to choose apartments rather than hotels.

This has also led to people living in such small apartments being mixed.

In some special times, it has always been the object of strict investigation by the police.

Not for anything else, only for pornography and drugs.

At this moment, the apartment has been temporarily blocked.

A cordon was set up outside, prohibiting all unrelated people from entering.

Fang Ze and Tai Wei crossed the cordon and went straight to the twelfth floor under the watchful eyes of the onlookers.

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