Tai Wei frowned.

The earlier the body is found, the more precise the inference will be.

Thus, those who have an alibi can be excluded from the determination of the suspect.

If the time of death is more than three days, I am afraid the error will be very large.

This undoubtedly increases the difficulty of solving the case.

"Fang team, is there a fatal wound on the neck?"

Tai Wei said.

Judging from the external wounds of the corpse, there is only this trace at present.

Fang Ze didn't answer, but reached out and squeezed the dead man's neck.

At the moment, his eyes turned cold.

"What a powerful killing technique."

Fang Ze spoke slowly, then straightened up and looked at Tai Wei: "In the three previous cases, have the race been tested?"

"Ethnic Detection"

Tai Wei was stunned.

Fang Ze said: "Team Tai doesn't know about the different races."


Tai Wei almost didn't follow Fang Ze's thinking and said, "I know, yellow people, white people, and black people are indeed different."

Through the test, it is impossible to determine the identity of a person, and it is impossible to determine which country a person is from.

However, it is possible to know the race.

Especially the yellow race and the white race, the difference is quite big.

Through professional testing technology, we can definitely make a judgment.

"But Fang team, why do we need to conduct racial testing?"

In local cases, it is possible that foreigners are basically involved, and no police officers who handle the case will think of this.

Hearing this, Fang Ze said: "Call the bureau, take the test immediately, and let me know when the result comes out."

"I'm going to Central South University of Science and Technology now."

After speaking, he quickly left the crime scene.

Seeing this, Tai Wei chased after him.

"Fang team, what's the situation"

He smelled something unusual.

Fang Ze stopped, turned around and said, "The murderer and the person I'm looking for are most likely the same person."


Tai Wei was a little confused.

He quickly reacted, nodded and said, "I'll arrange a test right away!"

"I wait for your news."

After leaving a sentence, Fang Ze quickly left the apartment.

He only stayed five minutes.

Come fast, go fast.

He needs to get to the Central South University of Science and Technology immediately

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 560 Inventory [1]

After half an hour.

Fang Ze took a taxi and rushed to the Central South University of Science and Technology as quickly as possible.

By chance, now I finally have a new clue.

He must go to confirm his guess immediately.

Entering the campus, Fang Ze took out his mobile phone.

"Hey, where is Wang Qiang?"

"okay, I get it."

After hanging up, Fang Ze went straight to the office building.

five minutes later.

Fang Ze directly pushed open the door of the principal's room.

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