
  The living room of Luo Bixin is very warm, with soft lighting, which makes people feel very comfortable.

  "Fang team, what to drink? Tea or coffee?"

  Luo Bixin put down her bag and turned to ask Fang Ze who was sitting on the sofa.

  Fang Ze said politely: "Don't bother, Baishui is fine. I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep at night, and I have something to do tomorrow."

  "That's right."

  Luo Bixin smiled, then poured two cups of warm water from a disposable cup, handed it to Fang Ze, and sat on the side.

  Fang Ze looked around and said, "Luo Ju is very tasteful, have you studied interior design?"

  He could see that the arrangement in the room was very particular, and although he couldn't say what was good, it made him feel very pleasing to the eye.

  Every object cannot be changed, otherwise there will be flaws.

  Luo Bixin nodded and smiled: "Fang Dui is right. This is my hobby. When I have nothing to do, I will read some books on interior design."

  "It turns out that it is." Fang Ze nodded, "This room is close to the commercial area, it is estimated that it will be a bit noisy before ten o'clock in the evening, but the advantage is that from the balcony of the bedroom on the back, you should be able to see the market logo of Penghai, I heard that at night very beautiful."

  Following Fang Ze's line of sight, Luo Bixin turned her head and glanced at the bedroom with the door closed, her face a little unnatural.

  "Fang team...that's right, it's really beautiful."

  Then there is no text.

  Fang Ze glanced at Luo Bixin subconsciously, just in time to catch Luo Bixin's unnatural expression.

  He didn't say much, just had some doubts in his heart.

  According to the polite logic of normal people, Luo Bixin should invite him in to have a look, but the other party didn't even mention it.

  Fang Ze didn't think too much, the thought just flashed by.

  This is the girl's home after all, so it will be somewhat inconvenient.

  After drinking a sip of tea, Fang Ze fell silent, and there was no more talk.

  Luo Bixin said at this time: "Fang team, do you have a plan for tomorrow's work arrangements for the case?"

  Referring to the case, Fang Ze nodded and said, "Yes, after leaving that company, we need to find Jiang Hongcheng's close friends and relatives, but Jiang Hongcheng must not know about this."

  "By the way, I also need to use the drafting specialist in your bureau, maybe it can help."

  "That's fine." Luo Bixin nodded, probably knowing the direction of Fang Ze's upcoming investigation.

  After finishing speaking, Fang Ze put down the teacup and stretched slightly: "This case is not easy."

  Luo Bixin nodded in agreement.

  An ordinary disappearance case, after repeated investigations, has risen to a major criminal case involving human life.

  Although there is currently no clue to prove that Hu Yin has been killed, she actually has no hope in her heart.

  It's not so much looking for people, it's more about looking for bodies.

  Of course, you can think so in your heart, but you can't say it, especially not from people outside the criminal police force.

  Fang Ze glanced at Luo Bixin and knew what the other party was thinking at the moment.

  In fact, he thought the same as Luo Refill, but he had a greater grasp than the other party.

  Luo Bixin may think that Hu Yin is very likely to be dead, but Fang Ze actually has full confidence that Hu Yin is absolutely impossible to live.

  "When I first came to Penghai, I encountered a dead body case..."


  Fang Ze didn't stay long, and after chatting with Luo Bixin for more than an hour, he said goodbye and left.

  He accepted Luo Bixin's proposal to ride in the same car. Anyway, there was no need to waste it on the way.

  Silent all night.

  When the first ray of sunlight shone through the window and fell on Fang Ze in the morning, he opened his eyes nervously.

  The third day has arrived.


Chapter 13 New Clues

  Interpol meeting room.

  Just after going to work, there are already a lot of people sitting here, including Ding Chunqiu.

  Because I received a notice from Luo Bixin, saying that a new clue was found.

  This made their fighting spirit, which was about to be extinguished, burn again.

  Fang Ze hasn't arrived yet, so he doesn't know where to go.

  Ding Chunqiu looked through the window and looked at Luo Bixin who was reading materials outside, and said mysteriously: "There is a problem, a big problem."

  Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai and Pan Pu next to him came over and followed Ding Chunqiu's line of sight to Luo Bixin.

  "Team Ding, what's wrong?" Pan Pu asked in confusion.

  Ding Chunqiu whispered: "Last night I asked Zhong Ju, Team Fang and Team Luo, but they live in the same community."

  Fang Ze's residence was arranged by the Penghai Municipal Bureau entrusted by Yangcheng. Because it was a temporary secondment, he used public funds for reimbursement. As the acting director of the Penghai Municipal Bureau, Zhong Yi was naturally very aware of this matter.

  The same is true for the Luo pen core.

  "A community? Hey, what's the matter, it's normal."

  Pan Pu lost interest after hearing it. For those who are assigned to travel, the unit will naturally arrange accommodation.

  Ding Chunqiu and Jiang Xiaobai turned to look at Pan Pu.

  Pan Pu was taken aback by the two of them and said, "What's wrong?"

  Jiang Xiaobai beckoned and motioned for the other party to come over.

  Pan Pu approached strangely and listened carefully.

  Jiang Xiaobai whispered in his ear: "Last night, Team Fang and Team Luo were drinking coffee together..."


  Hearing this, Pan Pu shouted in surprise, just about to express some gossip, but Luo Bixin had already pushed in the door.

  Glancing at the three pretending to be, Luo Bixin asked suspiciously, "What are you doing?"

  "We're talking about..."

  "Cough cough!" Jiang Xiaobai quickly covered Pan Pu's mouth, why is this guy so real?

  Ding Chunqiu said quickly, "That's what we're talking about. Yesterday, Team Fang and Team Luo were still investigating cases during off-duty hours. They are really very dedicated."

  Luo Bixin glanced at a few people, and said as he walked: "Our work is not divided into morning and evening, and where there is work and get off work, if it hadn't been to Jiang Hongcheng's house last night, we wouldn't have found new clues."

  "Jiang Hongcheng?"

  Mentioning Jiang Hongcheng, Ding Chunqiu put away the joke and said seriously, "Is there something wrong with Jiang Hongcheng?"

  "Let's talk about it when the team arrives. The clues were discovered by the team, so we can say it more clearly."


  Fang Ze appeared very slowly. When everyone waited for about half an hour, Fang Ze was long overdue.

  "Sorry for being late, I have something to deal with."

  Entering the conference room, Fang Ze smiled apologetically when he saw that everyone was already waiting.

  "It's alright, come on, the team will sit." Ding Chunqiu said indifferently.

  Luo Bixin also smiled and nodded.

  Fang Ze came to Penghai with a case, so he didn't need to punch in and out of get off work on weekdays, so he was more free.

  "Where's Teacher Mingchuan?" After sitting down, Fang Ze glanced at him and asked.

  Huang Xiaorong replied: "Master is checking Shiwei, because there is no surveillance video at the scene of Shi Wei's crime, he may have done other things besides robbery."

  Hearing this, Fang Ze said: "There is such a possibility, but Shi Wei has no motive, the two sides do not know each other, there is no need to investigate him."

  "Forget it, forget about that, let me talk about what I found last night."

  Fang Ze's rhythm was fast, he directly opened the notebook and presented the data on the big screen.

  Huang Xiaorong pouted, her face a little tangled, and she didn't know whether to favor the master or the team in her heart.

  A case without a body is indeed very difficult for a forensic doctor.

  After all, most homicide clues come from autopsy and crime scenes.

  The screen lights up, and a character profile appears.

  Jiang Hongcheng, male, 29 years old, a development employee of Ruida Technology Company, Hu Yin's husband, is also the informant of the disappearance.

  The two married three years ago and have no children.

  Fang Ze stood by the screen, pointed at Jiang Hongcheng and said, "According to everyone's previous investigation, this person has an excellent reputation in the company, and he is very concerned about Hu Yin, and he is very hardworking and talented."

  "In terms of software development and website maintenance, there is a lot of talent, but the position and salary have not been up, it seems a little underappreciated."

  "However, it's all one..."

  Having said that, Fang Ze paused, as if looking for an adjective.

  "Well... three good men."

  Everyone did not interrupt, they all knew this information before.

  Later, Fang Ze explained in detail what he found at Jiang Hongcheng's house last night.

  After listening to Fang Ze's words, everyone frowned, feeling that Jiang Hongcheng's personality seemed to collapse a bit.

  If what Fang Ze said is true, then this person is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface.

  At the same time, they also admire Fang Ze's keenness and observation.

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