Chapter 108 The Fourth Red Scarf [Second More]

  With the cooperation of the special police, all traffic points in Penghai were completely blocked that night.

  Passing vehicles must be checked before they can pass.

  Fortunately, the police force is sufficient and the inspection speed is fast, but it has not caused any bad influence.

  It's just that if it takes a long time, it will inevitably become a public discussion point. In this era of developed Internet, the speed of dissemination is very fast, which cannot be stopped.

  Once the whole country's attention is focused on Penghai, it will only put pressure on the police station.

  Coupled with the cost of police force, it will delay other normal work for a long time.

  During the period, Zhong Yi and Fang Ze communicated, saying that the whole city can be wanted, but the time should not be too long. I hope that the case can be solved as soon as possible, the sooner the better.

  Fang Ze also understands these reasons, but it is necessary to block Penghai.

  With the cunning level of the murderer, once he is allowed to leave Penghai, it will be too difficult to catch him.

  Bus station, railway station, fly "two four, seven"

  The airport has also issued a notice that as long as the suspect appears, they will be arrested on the spot.

  All night, Fang Ze was busy outside and hardly slept.

  At ten o'clock in the morning the next day, a coquettish woman walked slowly from a distance and stood in front of the security section of the Penghai Municipal Bureau.

  When the policeman on duty saw someone approaching, he got up and opened the window and said, "Hello, what's the matter?"


  The woman seemed to be a little nervous. After hesitating for a while, she lowered her head and rummaged in her bag for a while, and finally took out a red silk scarf.

  After seeing the red silk scarf, the policeman was obviously stunned for a moment, then his face changed, and he quickly turned around to open the door and rushed out.

  "There is a situation!"

  After shouting inside, the police blocked the woman, went out, and said solemnly, "Where did this thing come from?"

  The woman, startled by the other party's tone, couldn't help but take a step back and said, "Don't give it to me! He said"

  Seeing the woman, stammering, the policeman on duty frowned and said, "I'm sorry, please come back to the station with me!"

  "Ah why!"

  The woman was so frightened that her face turned pale, "I didn't do anything!"

  Looking at it like that, it seems to be very contradictory to the police station.

  The policeman on duty did not explain any further, but grabbed the woman's arm to prevent her from escaping.

  The woman's face suddenly became bitter, and she scolded in her heart that she was unlucky, and she would not have taken this job if she knew it earlier.

  Five minutes later, the inner hall of the city bureau.

  Fang Ze and Ding Chunqiu were not there, and the only leader in the bureau at the moment was Luo Bixin.

  After she called Fang Ze, she leaned against the table, wrapped her arms, stared at the woman in front of her and said, "What's your name?"

  "Wu Yan."

  Luo Bixin glanced at the red silk scarf on the table, and said, "Where did this thing come from?"

  Wu Yan lowered her head and said, "Someone gave it to me."

  "go on."

  "A man gave me two thousand dollars to send this red silk scarf to your security department."

  "there's a guy"

  Luo Bixin's eyes turned cold, and said, "What's your name, how do you know what it looks like?"

  Wu Yan opened her mouth and seemed unwilling to answer this question.

  After a while, she said anxiously: "Officer, it really has nothing to do with me, I don't know anything, you must be mistaken!"

  This is the Criminal Police Brigade of the City Bureau! It is a place where serious cases are handled. Fang should not hold on to her trivial matters. Luo Bixin stared at Wu Yan for a while, and said, "I don't know why you are nervous. "

  "I'm not nervous"

  Wu Yan sat there honestly, very cautious, with a trace of fear.

  "Answer my question, how did the man know what he looked like!"

  Wu Yan was silent for a while, then said: "I don't know.

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  What does the Tao look like, he is wearing a mask!"

  "Wear a mask"

  Luo Bixin raised his brows, thinking of the person who once asked Wang Zhengchu to buy his body.

  Soon, Fang Ze, who got the news, rushed back.

  Perhaps it was the long hours of busyness and brain activity that made him look less energetic.

  "came back."

  Luo Bixin stood up.


  Fang Ze nodded, glanced at the woman, poured a glass of water and drank it, then just walked over.

  "what happened"

  Fang Ze asked.

  Luo Bixin pursed his lips and gestured for the other party to look at the things on the table.

  It was a red silk scarf.

  Fang Ze glanced at the silk scarf, and then set his eyes on Wu Yan.

  "Special industry"

  He didn't ask anything, just blurted out, and said it very euphemistically, without using "sell"

  this word.

  Luo Bixin was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Wu Yan.

  The dress and makeup look really similar.

  Wu Yan naturally understood what Fang Ze was talking about. After hesitating for a while, she nodded, "Yeah."

  Fang Ze poured a glass of water for the woman and handed it to her: "Don't be nervous, we are criminal police, not from the anti-pornography team."

  "Answer my question well, and you can go now."

  Hearing this, Wu Yan's eyes lit up and she said in surprise, "Really!"

  Fang Ze nodded.

  "Okay, you ask!"

  Fang Ze pondered for a while, and said, "When did you contact that man and what did you say when you met? Don't miss it."

  Wu Yan recalled for a moment and said, "About one o'clock in the morning last night, I contacted him through WeChat, and he came to my hotel."

  "I didn't do anything, just gave me two thousand yuan and asked me to send this red silk scarf to your security department."

  For Wu Yan, [-] yuan is already a lot, compared to her receiving several guests.

  Besides, it wasn't too difficult, so I agreed.

  "age height"

  Wu Yan thought for a while and said, "About 272 years old, [-] years old, about one meter one meter eighteen, dressed well, I guess he is a local tyrant."

  "Especially the watch he wears, it's worth tens of thousands."

  In this regard, she is still very discerning.

  "Is there any more"

  "No, it's only five minutes before and after."

  Fang Ze nodded and said, "Give me his WeChat."

  "it is good."

  Wu Yan took out her mobile phone and showed Fang Ze a personal interface.

  Behind him, a policeman stepped forward to take a photo.

  0.7 "How to pay, WeChat or cash."

  Referring to this matter, Wu Yan quickly took out a stack of money from her bag and handed it to Fang Ze: "Cash, two thousand is just right."

  Fang Ze glanced at it and said, "Is he wearing gloves?"


  Wu Yan nodded, "Bring it, wearing gloves on a hot day, very strange person."

  Fang Ze pondered for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay, let's go."


  Wu Yan didn't expect to be able to leave so soon, she got up quickly, hesitated and said, "Then this money"

  "Take it."

  Fang Ze waved his hand, signaling the other party to leave.

  "Thank you officer thank you officer goodbye"

  Wu Yan received amnesty, fearing that Fang Ze would regret it, she picked up her bag and trotted all the way, and quickly left the police station.

  Luo Bixin glanced at the direction the other party was leaving, and said, "Don't you need to send someone to protect her?"

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

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