Fang Ze shook his head and said, "It's hard to say."

"The deceased have one thing in common: of the four, three of them are female college students from the Central South University of Science and Technology."

"The last one, though not from the university, lives nearby."

"Before I just guessed at random, I wanted to drop by and have a look, but I didn't expect it"

Hearing this, Wang Qiang's eyes narrowed slightly: "There is a problem with the deceased"


Fang Ze nodded and said, "The murderer, with the strength of his wrist, broke the neck of the deceased in an instant."

"Whether it is strength or skill, it is definitely not something that ordinary people can possess."


Wang Qiang's eyes moved.

There are very few people who can do this.

It is impossible for non-training masters.

At the very least, it must reach the level of special forces.

This kind of person should not commit rape and murder.


Wang Qiang looked at Fang Ze and hesitated to speak.

Fang Ze said: "In the rape and murder cases I have seen, the perpetrators are all people with extremely twisted hearts."

"Either there is a shadow in childhood, or you want to take revenge on society, etc."

"Anyway, mentally, it's not normal."

"And the murderer in this case is very calm, and the murder is simply neat and does not rely on external tools."

"And, he's still: the scene, leaving a lot of evidence even"

"These marks are easy to clean up, but he's too lazy to do them."

Wang Qiang was stunned: "So crazy"

Fang Ze said coldly: "There is only one possibility, he knows that the police will never find it in a short time."

"One more thing, he may leave Huaxia soon, so he has nothing to fear."

"On a deeper level, he is not subconsciously afraid of our Chinese laws."

"Why not be afraid that diplomatic immunity might be relied upon."

"Analyzing the mental portrait of the murderer from the perspective of criminal psychology, I infer that this person is most likely a foreigner."

"Based on the information Angus gave us, the murderer in this case and the person we are looking for may be the same."

"Of course, maybe I'm wrong, but the investigation must be checked."

After listening to Fang Ze's inference, Wang Qiang nodded slowly.

Fang Ze's inference ideas are very clear, and it can be said that he has locked in the most probable facts.

In this respect, he is not as good as Fang Ze.

Putting aside the strength of the other party, the logical thinking ability of the other party is his brightest point.

It is also the place that Wang Qiang admires the most.

Soon, there was a knock on the door.

Yang Shuren shouted: "Come in!"

The voice fell, and a woman walked in with a large stack of files.

"Principal Yang, all the information you want is here."

Yang Shuren got up and said, "Let's go, go back first."

He pointed to the coffee table.

"it is good."

The woman, after putting down the documents, left.

She can only do her own work, and she will not take care of the rest.

"Mr. Fang"

Yang Shuren looked at Fang Ze.

Fang Ze said: "Thank you Principal Yang, please wait a moment."

With that said, Fang Ze and Wang Qiang started to carefully check all the information together.

Seeing that the other party was so anxious, Yang Shuren also felt the urgency of the matter.

He stopped disturbing and sat there quietly and waited.

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