two hours later.

Central South Municipal Bureau.

The three of Fang Ze sat in the lounge, quietly waiting for the test results.

The identity of the suspect will soon be determined.

But Fang Ze was not happy.

If Jayden is not the murderer, then the speculation is wrong and needs to be re-investigated.

If Jayden is the murderer, then this person is very likely to have disappeared.

Regardless of

Whichever result is, it is not what Fang Ze wants.

One wrong step, one wrong step.

The hasty investigation of the big data of Central South University has directly led to the serious consequences of ignoring the grass.

This was something he didn't expect.

But things have come to this point, and we can only proceed step by step.

Step by step.

At some point, the door opened.

A figure flashed in.

It is Tai Wei.

Holding a piece of paper in his hand, he said solemnly, "Fang team, the test results are out!"

Fang Ze raised his head and looked at Tai Wei.

Tai Wei then said, "It's a perfect match!"

"This guy named Jayden is the murderer of the serial rape and murder case!"

Hearing this, Fang Ze shook his right hand.

Between the brows, there is a faint condensed evil spirit.

It's evil, not murder.

This shows that Fang Ze's inner anger is rapidly rising at this moment.

Wang Qiang immediately felt Fang Ze's change and turned his head to look at him.

He is different from Tai Wei.

Tai Wei is just a detective.

But he is someone who has experienced life and death dangers several times.

He could clearly feel the icy cold emanating from Fang Ze's body.

It's cold and suffocating.

including him.

Tai Wei couldn't help fighting a cold war, looked at Fang Ze in surprise and said, "Fang Fang team, are you alright?"

He didn't know what happened to Fang Ze, but he felt a little frightened for some reason.

Intuition tells him that Fang Ze is a little dangerous now.

Fang Ze took a deep breath and waved his hand: "You go out first and stare at the portrait."

"Be sure to maximize accuracy."


Tai Wei didn't ask more, nodded and left the lounge.

In the room, only Wang Qiang, Tang Ya and Fang Ze were left.

"I came to this land without calling, and I didn't say anything about stealing our country's secrets. I also regarded human life as a must, and raped and murdered the lives of several flowering girls."

"This kind of scum will break his neck as soon as I meet him!"

Fang Ze spoke slowly.

There was coldness in his voice.

Wang Qiang's face was also very ugly.

He did not expect that the murderer of a serial case in this city was actually the same person they were looking for.

In that case, nothing needs to be said.

meet people.

Kill Wushe directly! "Bastard!"

Tang Ya gritted her teeth.

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