After he finished speaking, he got up and said, "I'll go out and let me know at any time with the results."


Before Wang Qiang could react, Fang Ze had already pushed the door and left.

On the way, Fang Ze called Li Ruisi.

"Rui Si, come to the city bureau."

"Send me to Zhengyang Mountain."

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 564 Meeting with Zhou Lao [1]

after an hour.

South Central Elevated.

Li Ruisi drove at full speed towards Zhengyang Mountain.

When he first received Fang Ze, he could see the other party's unhappiness.

I guess in my heart if there is an urgent matter, I need to consult with Zhou Lao.

So he didn't dare to delay.

"It won't be because of Guo Peng, right?"

On the way, Li Ruisi muttered to himself.

When Zhang Mao's murder just happened, everyone thought that Guo Peng was not the murderer.

including himself.

However, in the end, it was this most unlikely person who eventually became the murderer.

If it weren't for Fang Ze's words, whether the truth of the case would come to light is really a matter of two opinions.

Could it be that the other party was angry and dissatisfied with himself because of this incident, and he was not so dissatisfied with the handling of the case by the Zhongnan Municipal Bureau? Li Ruisi took a peek at Fang Ze and found that the other party had been sitting in the co-pilot contemplating.

I don't even know what to think.

"Old Fang"

After a while, Li Ruisi finally couldn't bear it any longer and said.


Fang Ze turned his head subconsciously, "What's wrong, Rui Si?"

Li Ruisi hesitated for a moment and said, "You won't be angry with me because of Guo Peng."


Fang Ze was stunned for a while, then he smiled and said, "How is it possible, I'm just thinking about other things."

"Oh, all right."

Hearing this, Li Ruisi smiled and nodded, and then he felt relieved.

He didn't ask much.

As long as it's not because of Guo Peng, then everything is easy to say.

Perhaps it was other cases that troubled Fang Ze.

Time passed slowly.

Soon, Zhengyang Mountain arrived.

Li Ruisi parked the car at the foot of the mountain.

"Go, I'll be waiting for you here."

Li Ruisi had no plans to go up.

Subconsciously, he was still a little afraid of Elder Zhou.

Based on the relationship between Li Shenghua and Zhou Lao, it stands to reason that Zhou Lao can be regarded as one of his elders.

But because of the identity of the other party, Li Ruisi was very upset every time he met.

So he has always been invisible and invisible.

"it is good."

Fang Ze didn't insist, pushed the door and got out of the car, and walked up the mountain.

While walking, he called Old Zhou's.

At this time, the other party should not go out.

The phone is connected.

"Hey Ozawa."

Old Zhou's voice came from the other end of the phone.

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