"Once Fu Guosheng activates Yu Sin, it's time to close the net."

Fang Ze: "It's not that simple."

"Fu Guosheng is an old fox. Even if there is no problem with Yu Sin's identity, he will not easily use a new person."

"Temptation everywhere is inevitable, be careful."

"I estimate it will take at least half a year."

"Remind Yu Sin, don't be aggressive, seek stability first, and safety first."

Luo Bixin: "Okay, I know."

"How are you doing over there?"

She still didn't ask Fang Ze why he went to Zhongnan.

She is very sensible.

If Fang Ze wanted her to know, he would say it

Fang Ze: "It is being processed, it may take some time."

"Don't worry, it's not a big deal."

The two chatted for a while.

During the period, Fang Ze also reminded a little that Luo Bixin's call may be missed in the future, so that the other party does not have to worry about it.

After hanging up, Fang Ze stood there for a while, then took a taxi and headed for the airport

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Chapter 567 Chen Zitao [1]

three days later.

First Theater Base.

"Mr. Chen, it's inside."

A middle-aged man in a military uniform brought a young man to the military area guest house.

The middle-aged man was over forty, and looking at the military rank on his epaulets, he was a general.

But he had a slight respect for the young man behind him.

It's not obvious, but it's real.

It can be imagined that the identity of this young man is not simple.

"Okay, thank you."

The young man smiles and is very polite.

The middle-aged man nodded, then turned and left.

After standing at the door for a while, the young man pushed the door and entered.

What comes into view is a small living room.

The environment is simple, but clean and tidy.

Zhao Yuling was sitting on the sofa with a sad expression.

"Rain Spirit."

The young man spoke as he walked, keeping a smile on his face.

Hearing the voice, Zhao Yuling turned his head subconsciously.

After seeing who was coming, she quickly stood up and said, "Brother Zitao!"

"Have you found it?"

Chen Zitao didn't answer right away, but sat down around the coffee table and said with a smile, "I said Yuling, it's been so long since I haven't seen you, and you won't pour me a glass of water."

Zhao Yuling kept his eyes on him, and said anxiously: "What kind of water do you drink, tell me the business first!"


Chen Zitao glanced at Zhao Yuling and shook his head helplessly.

He picked up the teapot himself and poured a glass of water.

"I didn't believe it when Uncle Zhao told me before, but now I believe it a little bit."

"What kind of character makes you so tempted"

"I really want to get to know you."

Zhao Yuling sat down and frowned: "Don't worry about it so much, just tell me where the person is."

Chen Zitao took a sip from the teacup and said, "It's called Fang Hua, right?"

"Yes, I didn't tell you many times."

Zhao Yuling nodded.

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