Karen stared at Fang Ze's calm back with wide eyes, and was very surprised.

Shouldn't this kind of thing be discussed first?

What does it mean to do it directly? At this moment, everyone's eyes in the entire playground are concentrated here.

After Fang Ze exhaled a puff of smoke, the corner of his mouth twitched as he looked at the approaching crowd.

The next moment, he stomped on his right foot, his body like a cheetah, and suddenly attacked

Feilu reminds you: reading three things

Chapter 572 What can you give me? 【2】

Fang Ze rushed into the crowd.

From a distance perspective, Fang Ze has been submerged by the sea of ​​people at this moment.

It is conceivable what a tragic siege will follow.

At least the onlookers thought so.

The three of Karen stared blankly at Fang Ze who had disappeared from sight.

Although they are not relatives, they have only been with each other for one day, but they started to worry unconsciously.

"That guy shouldn't be so vulnerable, right?"

Karen muttered to herself.

When the other party first entered the cell last night, he beat them down easily.

Now facing fifty 50-strong men, even if they lose in the end, they should have the strength to fight back at the beginning.

After a few seconds, there was no movement.

There was still a crowd of motionless people ahead.

I don't know what happened to Fang Ze who was in the middle of the storm.

"Karen, he won't"

Bang! Before Kayden could finish speaking, with a loud muffled sound, the crowd was torn apart.

A figure flew out like a broken kite, knocking down an entire group of people.

Pfft! The figure smashed to the ground heavily, and a large mouthful of blood was spewed out.

The blood mist dyed his shirt red.

Seeing this scene, all the people watching the excitement changed their expressions.

How much strength is needed to make people vomit blood in an instant? Is that kid a monster! In the distance, Karen couldn't help swallowing and said, "When he came yesterday, he showed mercy to our men. Bar"

Beside him, Kayden nodded subconsciously: "It looks like it."

He was the one who was kicked by Fang Ze yesterday.

But he just had some pain in his chest, far from the level of vomiting blood.

It shows that when Fang Ze started his hands, he restrained his strength.


As soon as the voices of the two fell, screams sounded.

At this moment, Fang Ze was holding someone's wrist, bending it to more than [-] degrees.

At such a large angle, the fracture is still light.

Bang! The next moment, Fang Ze raised his right foot and put it on his chest.

The body directly flew out for more than ten meters, and rolled on the ground for a long time before stopping.

Screen transitions are a bit fast.

The beating of fifty people instantly turned into a one-sided beating.

Obviously, there is a huge gap in strength between the two sides.

Even the cigarette on Fang Ze's mouth did not shake at all.

Burning soot still clings to it.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Only twenty seconds passed, and four-thirds of the people were already lying on the ground.

The remaining eight or nine people stood around and looked at him with some horror.

In the distance, all the onlookers stared at Fang Ze, who was calmly closing his feet, with a very wonderful expression.

"What kind of person is this!"

One hit fifty, and he was unscathed, with a calm expression on his face.

Even the top secret agents are not so arrogant! The yellow race Huaxia is about to kill Axe as soon as he arrives. Is this the rhythm to be replaced? At the same time, the prison guards on the high platform are also looking at each other with shock in their eyes.

"What crime did this guy get in here?"

"Looks like drunk driving."

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