It is very dangerous to break into another country rashly.

What is the CIA? It is one of the four major intelligence agencies in the world, and its defense is extremely strict.

It is difficult for ordinary people to even get close.

If you want to break in, kill a person together, and finally leave in a grand manner, this is basically no different from being insane.

In the afternoon, Fang Ze left the city and came to the state of Nia.

The headquarters of the CIA is here.

With what Jayden calls a "special advisor"

The identity, there is a high probability of being at the headquarters of the CIA.

The location is easy to find.

So how do you get in? This is a very important issue, related to safety.

One can imagine how difficult it is for outsiders to enter the CIA headquarters.

The safest way is to enter legally.

The so-called legal entry is to obtain a legal identity.

Under the premise of not being suspected by anyone, he walked in swaggeringly.

The number of CIA staff is fixed, and it is impossible to add one more for no reason.

Then the direction is very clear: find a person and replace it:.

Including his face, ID card, and even fingerprints.

This is the path with the lowest risk.

Fang Ze, he is ready to do this.

Now there is only one last question left: who should I choose? Which type of person does not have a high sense of presence in the CIA, does not have a high number of appearances, and does not even know many people along the way. Fang Ze is thinking about this question.

"Management Office, Operations Office, Science and Technology Office, Intelligence Office"

"Which department is inconspicuous, but it must exist"

After thinking for a while, Fang Ze's eyes narrowed slightly, and then a smile appeared.

He almost forgot Guo and Xia, he figured it out.

The logistics department of the management office is the breakthrough point

: Serious Calvin, take a break.

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Chapter 581 Are you a spy? 【1】

That night.

Around [-]:[-] in the CIA underground parking lot.

The elevator door opened slowly, and Ryan, who had been busy all day, walked out of the elevator with a satchel on his back.

As a member of the CIA logistics department, Ryan's daily job is to pick up the goods.

After the order is placed in the procurement office, someone will soon send the goods to the logistics department of the CIA.

Ryan, need to hand over to the delivery guy.

After confirming that it is correct, put the goods into the warehouse and distribute them uniformly by other staff.

This is a very boring job.

Of course, there is also a lot of free time.

When he is bored, Ryan's greatest pleasure is to play online games in his own small office.

With high wages, doing relatively easy work.

This is what many people dream of.

Lane is very satisfied with his current situation.

Thinking of the free time at night, Ryan quickened his pace.

When he got to his car, he opened the door.

Just as he was about to get into the car.

Behind him, a hand suddenly grabbed his shoulder, and brought his body to press him hard against the car body.

Sensing that he was being attacked, Ryan's expression suddenly changed.

Before he could react, he felt a chill in his neck.

The sharp dagger had already touched his artery.

As long as the opponent exerts force, his blood vessels can be cut open in an instant.

This is the key:.

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