"Wait a minute, I'll notify the manager."

What Fang Ze said may seem like a trivial matter, but for the purchasing department, it is enough to take it seriously.

After all, this is their responsibility.

Once a problem occurs and affects the normal work of important departments, the Procurement Department needs to be held accountable.

Fang Ze waited quietly.

After half a sound, the voice sounded.

"Lane, the manager is going to the warehouse now, you can open the door."

Fang Ze: "Okay."

Hanging up the phone, a smile appeared on Fang Ze's mouth.

He expected that the manager of the purchasing department would definitely implement it personally.

Then, he got up and went back to the warehouse again.

After standing at the door and waiting for a while, there were footsteps.

Fang Ze turned to look.

A short middle-aged man was approaching, holding a folder in his hand.

Fang Ze knew this person.

"Mr Smith."

Fang Ze opened his mouth.

There was a hint of respect in his voice.

Smith nodded slightly and said, "What exactly is the problem you just said?"

Hearing this, Fang Ze turned around and pushed open the warehouse door, saying, "You can take a look for yourself."

"it is good."

He followed Fang Ze into the warehouse.

"Look, these things have been backlogged for a long time"

"There are still these things, which have been in short supply, I wonder if it is necessary to increase the purchase volume"

"The colored ink that the office needs has not arrived in the past few days"

"And here"

Fang Ze took Smith's warehouse back and forth, and accurately stated the defects in warehouse management.

These defects are usually not noticed, but in special circumstances, the entire procurement office will fall into a state of being stretched.

Smith has been listening to Fang Ze.

During this period, he did not forget to look at Fang Ze in surprise.

This guy is usually not very motivated at work, and has no brains. Why is his thinking so clear today? When Fang Ze's voice fell, Smith nodded and said, "You are right, these problems must be solved."


With that said, Smith picked up the folder in his hand.

Seeing this, Fang Ze's eyes moved slightly.

If nothing else, it should be the bill of lading and the consumption record of items reported by each department.

At this distance and angle, it is generally impossible to read the text on it clearly.

But Fang Ze has a special skill.


To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel!,

Chapter 585 Routine [1]

Smith began to flip through the pages.

The seemingly vague letters were extremely clear in Fang Ze's eyes.

Reading English content in reverse is not a problem for Fang Ze.

The first page was the general cargo list, which Smith quickly turned over.

The second page is the office receipt.

In addition to the necessary necessities, there are also special supplies reported by individuals, signed and signed.

This is Fang Ze's purpose.

After a quick glance, Fang Ze did not find the name he was looking for.

On the third page, this is the action place.

Still not.

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