Almost at the same time as the other party shifted his gaze, Fang Zemai stepped into the bathroom.

Thirty seconds later, Fang Ze reappeared in the corridor and entered the fire exit as usual.

Fire stairs are places where cleaners often go out.

One minute, two minutes, until ten minutes passed, Jayden's colleague glanced at the time, strangely.

He took out his cell phone and dialed Jayden.

No one heard.


He was surprised for a while, then walked slowly to the bathroom.


Looking at the empty bathroom, the man whispered something.

No one responded.

The man froze for a moment, then frowned slightly.


He raised the volume.

Still no one responded.

At this moment, the man suddenly had an ominous premonition.

As an agent of the Intelligence Department, his nerves are much more sensitive than ordinary people.

Without any hesitation, the man stepped forward quickly and opened the doors of the single room one after another.

until the last one.

The wooden door is opened.

What caught my eye was Jayden lying on the ground! His eyes were wide and his face was pale.

On the neck, there is an obvious dark purple streak! "Jayden!"

The man's expression changed and he quickly stepped forward to check.

Breathe, no.

The pulse has stopped beating.

Dead! What happened? Three seconds later, a figure appeared in the man's mind.

It was the figure of a cleaner.

"Dive into Assassination"

In just a few seconds, the man immediately judged the nature of the incident and locked the murderer.

This is the agent of the CIA.

At the moment, he quickly took out his mobile phone.

"Hey I'm David!"

"Jayden was killed in the bathroom on the fifth floor, please block all entrances and exits immediately!"

In an instant, the originally calm CIA suddenly became: nervous.

Security forces, start quickly!

Chapter 588 Half a month [1]

"What did you say Jayden died!"

"How to die!"

In a certain office, CIA Director Pell stood up.

She looked in astonishment at the secretary who hurriedly entered the door to report, but did not respond for a long time.

I even wondered if I heard it wrong.

Just around ten in the morning, she saw Jayden

How come it has only been two or three hours, and the person suddenly died! Facing Pell's question, the secretary quickly replied: "The one who was assassinated is in the bathroom on the fifth floor."

"[-]th Floor Restroom"

Hearing these words, Pell was even more stunned.

"You mean in this building"


The secretary nodded.

He also found the news a bit shocking.

The heavily defended, almost perfect security of the CIA building, someone could sneak in and assassinate.

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