In the office at this moment, David looked at the beard in front of him.

This person was the leader of the team that led the team to pursue when Fang Ze escaped from prison.

"Mr. Nick, you said Fang Ze's crime was drunk driving"

The bearded black man nodded and said, "That's what it says on the document."

"And I also asked the police officer who was handling the case at the time, and it was true that it was drunk driving."

Confirmed, David smiled, with a trace of speechlessness.

"Drunk driving"

"Are you kidding me that drunk driving can be put in Siaborough prison?"

He knew exactly where the Sapporo prison was.

There is a place where felons are held! How could he be imprisoned for drunk driving? Nick looked serious, didn't care about David's mocking smile, and said, "I asked for the details, the person handling the case was beaten by Fang Ze, And made threats."

"The content of the threat is to put him in Siaburg Prison."

Hearing this, David's smile slowly faded, and he said, "That is to say, he deliberately aimed to be Siaburg Prison."

"Well, it should be so."

Nick nodded.

David pondered for a while, then snorted coldly: "I mean, how did he know that Jayden was in the CIA."

"Dare to be betrayed by some bastard."

Nick answered: "There's no need to check this, he took Ax with him when he escaped from prison."


David raised his brows: "Blood Gang that kid"

Nick nodded, "Yes."

"did you find it"

"Not yet, he hid."

David narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Find him out, this time it's tough on the blood gang, and he must be handed over!"

Nick remained expressionless and said, "I think so too."

"What is Fang Ze going to do?"

this question, let david be silent

Chapter 592 Gathering in Luoshan City [1]

Time flies, two days have passed.

In the past two days, David and Nick teamed up to conduct a large-scale carpet search of the entire city and nearby cities.

Now Fang Ze has been wanted by the whole country, the documents are basically invalid, and the basic necessities of life are restricted.

In this case, both David and Nick agreed that the other party would not last long.

Exposure is only a matter of time.

The longer you stay in the country, the more anxious the other party will be.

As long as people are in a hurry, they will reveal flaws.

Right now, in the CIA office.

The meeting is going on.

Those involved in the pursuit were even seconded from out of state.

Without exception, they are the elite of the elite.

Jayden's death caused quite a stir: .

The above has given a death order, and the murderer must not be allowed to leave the country alive.

If they can't be caught alive, they'll be shot dead on the spot.

Dare to come to the territory of the country to kill, no matter what

What is the identity of the murderer, even if the trouble reaches the top of Huaxia, they will take care of it.

So David's authority is very high.

It can be said that as long as it is an action against Fang Ze, any method can be used.

In front of the big screen, David pointed to a spot on the map and said, "It seems that everyone has a unified opinion."

"If Fang Ze wants to leave the country, the safest way is to smuggle it."

"And Luoshan City on the western coast is the most suitable place."

Luoshan City is one of the cities with the most non-immigrants in China.

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