The agent returned the documents to the man.

"Thank you."

The man smiled politely, put away his documents and walked out of the airport

Waiting room.

"Mr. David, I've looked for it, but nothing."


David frowned, then glanced around, his eyes fixed on the entrance and exit of the airport.

A man in uniform has left with a suitcase.

He was stunned for a moment, and then shouted angrily: "Stop him for me!!!"

Chapter 596 Surrounded [1]

"Stop him for me!"

An angry shout resounded throughout the airport.

All the agents and police turned their heads and looked towards the airport entrance.

And the agent who was on guard there reacted extremely quickly, and immediately turned the muzzle as soon as David's voice fell.

Boom! Boom! Gunshots sounded the next second, but it wasn't from the agents.

It was that... the man in uniform! The two closest agents fell to the ground, holding their thighs and gritted their teeth.

Not the key, but the thigh.

The next moment, the man threw away the suitcase in his hand and ran away! That's right, this man in uniform is Fang Ze! He has been observing the situation at the airport in the dark.

After discovering that the airport was surrounded, he immediately used disguise to get out.

The longer the time, the more vigilant the agent in charge of the siege becomes.

Originally it went well, but I didn't expect the guy from the CIA to be so keen and find him at the first time.

Fang Ze's situation suddenly became: Dangerous.

He must now leave the opponent's pursuit range as soon as possible.

"Come on!!"

"Don't let him run away!!"

In the roar, David rushed over with a pistol at the first time.

Finally found Fang Ze's trace, this time must not let the other party leave.

Otherwise, if you want to catch it again, it will not be so easy.

For a time, all the agents and police officers in the entire airport spread out and approached Fang Ze in a fan shape.

Fang Ze didn't run around.

His route is very clear.

Every time he makes a decision, he considers the worst possible outcome.

Being surrounded at the airport was also on his mind.

Then, in such an empty plain area, it is not easy for him to leave safely.

But it's not impossible.

The point is: the car.

He must now find a car right away.

With two legs, it is absolutely impossible to run away.


"Don't run!!"

Shouting came from behind.

Fang Ze did not look back.

Estimate the distance according to the sound, about [-] meters.

There are pedestrians and obstructions around, so the opponent should not shoot easily! Gunshots sounded, hitting the railing next to Fang Ze.

Shattered shrapnel slid down the back of his head.

Everyone in the vicinity was frightened, and ran away screaming, away from the range where Fang Ze was.

Fang Ze turned his head suddenly, just in time to see David withdraw his gun and continue chasing.

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"This guy"

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