"It's just that I want to know how many people will come and who will come."

Fang Ze pondered for a while, and said: "The number of people will not be too many, I deduce that it should be an army of a company."

Shadow took a deep breath and said, "There is not much in one company."

Although he is confident, he is not arrogant.

With his strength, it is absolutely impossible to confront a company of American soldiers.

That was a lineup of nearly 200 people and [-] people.

Also, fully armed.

Can't hit at all.

Fang Ze smiled and said, "Be content, he is lucky that he didn't call a regiment over here."

Shadow looked at Fang Ze for a while, and said, "We're going to die here."

He has no fear of death, but he wants to die well.

If possible, he hopes that Fang Ze can return to China alive.

Fang Ze stepped forward and said, "It's not so good, isn't there a sea in front of you?"

Shadow was stunned for a while, and said, "What if you have to swim for a long time to jump into the sea and run?"

Fang Ze didn't turn his head back and said, "It's life and death."

"It's you, it's not worth the risk to come here."

Shadow said to Fang Ze, "I said, I will repay your favor, even if it is with my life."

Fang Ze didn't speak any more.

At this moment, he has a new view of the shadow.

Three in the morning.

A dozen military transport vehicles parked outside the forest.

There was no one in the car, so it should have gone in.

Deep in the jungle, two hands were clasped together.

One of them is David.

The other is a middle-aged man in full armor.

There were soldiers standing around.

The number is small, there are one hundred and sixty-seven.

Everyone has a 4 rifle in his hand and a 92 pistol on his waist.

Including night vision goggles, communication tools, satellites, locators, bulletproof vests, grenades, all the equipment that a single soldier should have in battle.

This can be said to be fully armed to the teeth.

"Hello, Captain Brown."

David said politely.

Brown released his hand and said with a smile, "Hello, Mr. David."

"I received an order to cooperate with the CIA to arrest the felon, and the command is in your hands."

"where are the people"

Actually he didn't want to come.

Just one person, actually dispatched a company, which made Brown feel very nonsense.

But he had to obey the superior's order.

Maybe the person to be arrested this time is very important.

David pointed to the corpse of the agent not far away and said, "Just walked for five minutes."

Brown nodded and said, "Have you caught it alive?"

This question made David's face turn cold and said, "This person is very dangerous and cunning, and it doesn't matter if he lives or dies."

Hearing this, Brown smiled and said, "That's easy."

Compared to capture alive, it is obviously much easier to kill.

"Please, Captain Brown."

"Also, I hope Your Excellency will never underestimate the enemy!"

Brown turned around, waved his hand and said, "Understood, wait for my news."

He clearly didn't take David's words to heart.

With nearly [-] heavily armed national soldiers, can't they kill a Huaxia agent? Brown just thought about it.

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