They have been waiting here for over an hour.

  Ding Chunqiu glanced at his watch, then turned to Luo Refill and asked, "Why didn't the Fang team come and overslept? Didn't you two live in the same community? Why haven't you been together."

  Hearing this, Luo Bixin explained: "Yesterday he said he would have a good rest, because today would be overloaded, so I didn't call him."

  "What does it mean to be overloaded?"

  Ding Chunqiu was puzzled.

  Luo Bixin shook his head: "I don't know, you can ask him when you come."

  Ding Chunqiu didn't say more and waited quietly.

  Time "four forty zero"

  A little bit passed, and it wasn't until after ten o'clock in the morning that Fang Ze arrived late.

  Pushing open the door of the supervision department, everyone looked over.



  "Well, good morning everyone."

  Fang Ze nodded, stepped forward, and looked at the projection on the wall.

  "It's still early. It's past ten o'clock. Did you drink last night?"

  Ding Chunqiu said.

  Fang Ze chuckled: "Enough sleep and a clear mind are conducive to investigating cases."

  After speaking, without waiting for Ding Chunqiu to reply, Fang Ze pointed to the six 66 screens in front of him and said, "Xiao Zhang, divide it into six 66 monitoring points."

  "it is good."

  After some operations, the original six 66 monitoring projections instantly became twelve.

  Ding Chunqiu glanced at it and said, "Fang team, do we want twelve to watch together?"

  Fang Ze said: "It's not us, it's me."

  "Ah, you really have to see this for yourself when you see it."

  Ding Chunqiu looked at Fang Ze suspiciously.

  With such a huge workload, let alone Fang Ze himself, even if all the people in the police station joined at this time, it would take several days to read it at least.

  Fang Ze smiled and said, "If you can keep up, let's watch it together."

  As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at each other, not understanding what the other party meant for a while.

  "Xiao Zhang, what shall I say in a while, and what do you do."

  "Yes, Fang team."

  The person Fang Ze called Xiao Zhang was a staff member of the Internet Supervision Department of the Municipal Bureau.

  He was originally a computer science graduate, and he is very proficient in computer operation.

  "Go, double play."

  Fang Ze's voice fell, and Xiao Zhang pressed the Enter key.

  Twelve monitoring points moved at the same time.

  Everyone looked over, hoping to help.

  Twice as fast isn't fast, it's not hard for them.


  The monitoring screen suddenly sped up a lot, and Fang Ze was getting used to it.

  "Eight times."

  When this speed was reached, Ding Chunqiu and the others were no longer able to get on.

  It's okay to look at one or two, if there are more, there is a high probability of missing clues.

  A minute later, when Fang Ze began to adapt to the speed, he said, "Sixteen times."

  The speed of the picture suddenly increased, and even the shadow was turned on. Everyone rubbed their eyes and felt that they couldn't see clearly, so they couldn't help looking at Fang Ze in amazement.

  At this moment, Fang Ze was distracted, his mind was highly concentrated, his pupils were moving very fast, and his line of sight was rapidly switching between twelve screens.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  "Thirty-two 32 times!"

  Fang Ze spit out four words.

  The next moment, the speed of the twelve images doubled again, and the afterimages became more and more.

  Not to mention people, even passing cars flashed by in an instant, making it difficult to capture.

  Ding Chunqiu stared blankly at the dazzling screen in front of him, his mouth wide open enough to stuff an egg.

  "Team Rollo, what is he doing"

  At this moment, Luo Bixin's shock in his heart was no less than that of Ding Chunqiu, as if he hadn't heard Ding Chunqiu's words, he just stared at Fang Ze who looked calm.

  "When the time is up, change to another twelve monitoring points."

  After just a while, Fang Ze had already checked all twelve monitoring points.

  Although Xiao Zhang was shocked, the speed in his hand was very fast, and the switch was completed in an instant.

  "Thirty-two 32 times!"


  "The eighth screen, playback for seven minutes, the person next to the trash can zooms in, and the screenshot is saved."


  Time passed slowly, and when Fang Ze, after getting used to this speed, said something that shocked everyone.

  "Sixty-four times!"


  Seeing that Fang Ze had increased the speed to sixty-four times, Ding Chunqiu couldn't bear it any longer, but he was not very literary, so he could only express his feelings at this time with a sly crap.

  "What can be seen clearly is a mosaic!!"

  Looking at the twelve snowflake-like screens in front of them, everyone stood still.


  "The first screen, playback for twelve minutes, the person who ran the red light, zoom in, and save the screenshot."

  "When the time is up, change to another twelve monitoring points, sixty-four times."


  "The tenth screen, fourteen minutes of playback"


  Over time, all monitoring points are slowly decreasing.

  Unconsciously, Fang Ze had been standing there for more than four hours in an hour or two.

  3:[-] pm.

  Xiao Zhang turned his head, resisting the violent ups and downs in his heart, and said: "Fang team, all monitoring has been completed."

  Hearing this, Fang Ze hurriedly closed his eyes and squatted on the ground slowly with his forehead supported.

  Seeing this, Luo Bixin's face changed: "Fang Ze!"

  As she spoke, she hurriedly stepped forward to carefully support the other's body, and said eagerly, "Are you alright?"

  At this moment, she finally understood the so-called overload in Fang Ze's mouth.

  So much monitoring 0.

  It took five hours to read all 5 pages.

  Not to mention accuracy, this is already an inhuman ability.

  It's enough to show how perverted Fang Ze's power of observation is.

  But such a high-intensity overuse of the brain will definitely have a big impact on Fang Ze.


  Not only Luo Bixin, but Ding Chunqiu and the others also rushed over and surrounded Fang Ze.

  "What's the matter? Do you need to go to the hospital?"

  Fang Ze closed his eyes and lowered his head, waved his hands and said, "Wait a while, let me slow down."

  He didn't expect that the first time his brain was overloaded, he would feel dizzy for a while.

  It seems that the system's bonuses to his various abilities are currently not enough to support him to complete such a difficult task.

  After this case is solved, maybe it will be a lot easier.

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 118 Luo Bixin's Brain Hole [Sixth More]

  After a while, when Fang Ze felt better, he opened his eyes.

  The dizziness disappeared, no major problem, but the eyes still felt a little dry.

  "It's alright, it's just a little overworked."

  Fang Ze smiled and stood up slowly, only to find that everyone was looking at him like a monster.

  Just now Fang Ze was watching the situation of the twelve monitoring points at sixty-four times the speed, and he was still vivid in his mind.

  Seeing that Fang Ze was fine, everyone felt relieved.

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