There is only one division's strength, and it will not be able to play a role.

He urgently needs Fang Ze's trace now.

As long as Fang Ze can be found, even a little clue.

He can shrink the encircling circle and completely trap the opponent to death.

After being silent for a while, Robert said, "There is no problem over the airport and the port."

Referring to the matter, David assured: "You can rest assured that there is absolutely no problem."

"Now on all international flights and ships, the identity of every passenger needs to be strictly checked, including fingerprints."

"His camouflage skills are completely useless."

Robert nodded: "That's good."

He was really worried that Fang Ze had left Luoshan City, and even left the country.

Now that the whole city is under martial law, it is almost impossible to get out under such strict military preparations.

So, what the hell is Fang Ze trying to do when he hides, is it useful to delay time? When Robert was thinking, David was also surprised.

Based on his preliminary understanding of Fang Ze, the other party should leave the country very urgently.

At the very least, we have to leave Luoshan City first.

However, no news came from various monitoring and review points.

Could it be, Fang Ze thought it would be ridiculous to just spend it with them to see who has the patience.

Here, but Guo ah suddenly, the door of the command room was opened.

"Major General Robert!"

"Found someone!"

A soldier said as he walked, in a very urgent voice.

Robert stood up abruptly and quickly said, "Where is it!"

The visitor replied, "The southernmost barren mountain in Luoshan City!"

"Through investigation and monitoring, we found that Fang Ze appeared nearby yesterday."

Robert said: "Did he leave!"

The soldier shook his head and said, "It shouldn't be."

"There are many ways to leave the barren mountain, but there is no lack of surveillance, and this person has not been found to leave."

Hearing this, Robert narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "That is to say, this kid has been hiding in the barren mountains in recent days!"

"barren mountain"

David was stunned and frowned.

It's useless for him to go to the barren mountains to hide, it's just a waste of time.

With his intelligence, he should find a way to escape.

The soldier said, "It should be like this."

Other than that, there is no other possibility.

Robert snorted coldly and said, "Gather a regiment of troops and set off to surround the mountain immediately!"


The soldiers left to give orders.

Robert turned his head, looked at David with a puzzled face, and asked, "Mr. David, what's the matter with you?"

David came back to his senses and hesitated: "Major General Robert, I think it's a bit strange."

"Oh what a strange"

David said: "First of all, he hides in the barren hills and does not solve the problem at all, and he will be found sooner or later."

"Secondly, even if he hid in the barren hills, wouldn't he avoid surveillance? He is a senior detective."

"With his ability, would he be so stupid?"

After listening to David's words, Robert thought for a while and felt that there was some truth to it.

But now that Fang Ze's trace has finally been found, it is impossible not to investigate.

"Go first, and then after you've searched."

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel!,

Chapter 614 One less one? 【1】

After half an hour.

Robert and the others have all retreated to a distance of one kilometer, and blocked the road along the way, sending all unrelated people away.

Five planes bombing at the same time, this is not a small movement.

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