From time to time, gravel rolled down and even caused small-scale landslides.

Even if Fang Ze was not killed by the bombing, he would still be stoned to death or in a panic, he would affect the trap he had set, and he would suffer the consequences.

David watched this scene quietly.

He knew that from the moment the bombing started, the incident was basically over.

Although the method is a bit rough, it is still early.

Even if Robert hadn't given the bombing order.

Even if Fang Ze is really not on the mountain.

There is no escape from the future.

There is no way to support Fang Ze to leave this country.

Unless, he can row back by himself.

Or, after flying back in the plane by myself, this sentence flashed in my mind, and David's face condensed.

He subconsciously shifted his gaze to the sky in the distance.

There was no movement.

The bombing did not stop, but there were only four planes.

"Major General Robert, aren't there five planes? The fifth?"

David put down his binoculars and turned his head to ask.

Robert didn't care about this issue, and said casually: "It should still be on the way."

"You also know that for this kind of close-range bombing mission, the planes don't take off at the same time."

Hearing this, David frowned slightly and did not continue to ask.

He picked up the telescope again.

Not looking at the barren mountains, but looking at the direction where the bombers came.

He is waiting for the fifth plane.

Time passed slowly.

One minute, two minutes, five minutes until ten minutes passed, and there was still no trace of the fifth plane.

This is very abnormal.

At this time, Robert also noticed something was wrong. He turned his head to look at the empty sky and wondered: "Why is there one less?"

Next to him, David said quickly, "Let's ask, maybe something is wrong."


Robert nodded, then took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Hi it's me."

"This bombing mission, several planes took off"

"Five, why are there only four here?"

"Find out what's going on right now!"

"What did you say! Why didn't you report the deviation immediately!"

"Where have you been!"

"That's the Pacific Ocean to the west. Contact the pilot immediately!!"

"What can't be contacted, why can't be contacted"

Next to him, David clearly heard the content of the conversation.

"West Side"

"Isn't that the direction of Huaxia?"

Thinking of a possibility, his face suddenly changed.

"Mr. Robert!"

"The person flying the plane is most likely Fang Ze!!"

"Please give an order immediately and let the Air Force fighter jets chase after it! It's too late!"

Hearing this, Robert slowly turned his head to look at David, but did not respond for a while.

"real or fake"

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel!,

Chapter 615 David's God-level Inference [2]

Robert thought David was joking with him.

First, there are people on the barren hills, that's for sure.

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