Behind him, two fighter jets followed, flanking from left to right, blocking Fang Ze's retreat.

"The opportunity is here, use the scheme."

"it is good."

After a brief exchange, two Chinese pilots took control of the plane and began to approach Fang Ze.

It looks like it's going to be a quick fight.

Fang Ze sensed something was wrong, and immediately turned around and rushed straight to his right.


Seeing Fang Ze's plane coming diagonally, the pilot of the plane was stunned for a moment.

"What do you want to do"

Without waiting for him to think, Fang Ze's plane was already in his pupils and quickly enlarged.

"This lunatic!"

"It's not going to die together!"

Seeing this scene, the pilot was frightened into a cold sweat immediately, his right hand controlled the rudder like a conditioned reflex, and instantly raised the flight altitude, trying to avoid Fang Ze's impact.

At this moment, he briefly lost Fang Ze's vision.

The time is two seconds.

Whoosh! The next moment, Fang Ze snorted coldly and pressed a button decisively.

The last missile blazed out.

The flame tongue assists the thrust, so that the speed of the missile is rapidly raised.

At such a close distance, there is absolutely no possibility for the opponent to escape.

"not good!"

The pilot's face changed drastically, and it was too late to deal with it.

He could only watch the missile, which instantly hit the tail of the plane.

Boom! The explosion sounded, the fighter's tail exploded, and thick smoke billowed.

The unbalanced fighter plane, with a long gray smoke, glided straight down, and fell into the Pacific Ocean.

-->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

"Catch me"

Fang Ze sneered and fled at full speed while the other pilot was still in a daze.

Now, he has no fighting power.

In the face of 2 fighters with half their ammunition left, there is no chance of winning.

can only run.

The sooner the better.

Fortunately, the other party only had one plane left, so Fang Ze still had certain confidence to deal with it.


Seeing his companion crash, the remaining pilot looked angry and immediately.

Increase the speed, and keep chasing.

"I'm going to kill you today!"

When the 22 fighters increased their speed to the extreme, even Fang Ze was shocked.

,"So fast!"

He glanced at the radar, flickering points of light, getting closer and closer to him.

at the same time.

Da-da-da! The sound of the machine gun sounded, and bullets rained down on him.

Fang Ze changed his height and evaded quickly.

Although there are still bullets that did not miss, fortunately they did not hit the vital point of the plane: it did not affect the flight.

At this moment, the bomber is already riddled with holes.

As long as he suffers a little more damage, I am afraid it will not be enough to support him to fly to China.

[-] kilometers, [-] kilometers, [-] kilometers, and the East China Sea is getting closer and closer.


Fang Ze has been on: Pay attention to the radar.

The other party has no intention of slowing down at all.

Could it be that this guy is planning to do something in the Chinese waters, which may involve the issue of territorial sovereignty.

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