If things go on like this, it's only a matter of time before they all break.

And at this time, he couldn't support him to rendezvous with the Dong Liao ship at all.

Fang Ze retracted his gaze and looked at the radar.

On the radar, the signal of the Dongliao ship can already be seen.

Kacha! Kacha! High-speed flight, resulting in more and more serious damage to the wing.

a moment.

Bang! There was another explosion, and the left wing was completely exploded! At this moment, Fang Ze's plane, like a bird with one missing wing, began to tilt severely to the right.

By the end, it even started rolling.

height, rapid descent

"Major General Fang! Please skydive now! Skydive immediately!"

"We absolutely guarantee your life! Please skydive now!"

The radio rang.

The voices of ten pilots were very urgent.

Now that we have reached the safe zone, there is absolutely no need to take risks.

Fang Ze has no extra thoughts to listen to the radio content.

He is now in the 360 rotation.

"I still don't believe it."

Fang Ze snorted coldly, decisively increased the thrust, and turned on the super boost force.

Soon, he maintained his speed and regained control of his flight balance.

Although the fuselage is still tilted, it can still continue to fly for some distance.

The Dong Liao ship is getting closer and closer.

Fang Ze, even without radar, can see the behemoth on the distant horizon with the naked eye.

"Major General Fang, this is the Dong Liao ship."

"Everything is ready and ready to land."

Fang Ze didn't answer right away.

He stared closely at the aircraft carrier ahead and lowered the arresting hook early.

"I'm Fang Ze."

"Listen, in eighty seconds, I'm going to touch down at twice the normal speed, please put up emergency arresting nets!"


"Major General Fang, please rest assured!"

The commander of the Dong Liao ship immediately realized that Fang Ze's plane was severely damaged.

Without any hesitation, he gave the order quickly.

At this moment, Fang Ze's plane was less than a kilometer away from the Dong Liao ship.

Landing in seconds.

Accompanied by the roar from far to near, Fang Ze drove the plane at a gallop.

The arresting hook hit the ground, and the harsh sound reverberated throughout the Dongliao ship.

"Too fast!"


All the Huaxia navy watched this scene from a distance, and their hearts were tense.

And Captain Zhang Ming almost stopped breathing.

Before he came, he had promised Zhao Dejun.

I will never let Fang Ze have an accident.

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel!,

Chapter 621 Landing safely, unscathed [1]

"No, the left wing is completely broken!"

Zhang Ming, only then can I see the whole picture of the plane clearly.

Before the wing broke Fang Ze, what kind of tragic air battle did he experience? Moreover, with the wing broken, how did the opponent control the plane to fly here? It's too risky! If it was before landing, Zhang Ming would definitely Stop Fang Ze from doing this.

But it's too late to say anything now.

At this moment, the plane had already landed and was rushing towards the arresting net at a speed far exceeding the standard deceleration.

Moreover, the arresting hook of the aircraft, with sparks flying everywhere, could not last for long.

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