Fang Ze glanced at it and said with a chuckle: "The things that Guobai gave, can't be wasted."

Hearing this, Zhang Ming took a serious look at Fang Ze and hesitated.

Seeing this, Fang Ze said, "You want to ask, how did I steal this plane back?"

Zhang Ming coughed lightly, a little embarrassed.

This is really incredible.

It stands to reason that things like airplanes are very tightly guarded.

Don't talk about outsiders, even people inside, it's hard to contact them privately.

He couldn't imagine how Fang Ze did it.

Fang Ze said: "I was forced."


Zhang Ming was stunned.

Fang Ze smiled and said, "After my identity was revealed, I faced a nationwide roundup, the sea and air roads were completely blocked, and I couldn't leave at all."

"There is no other way but to fly back by myself."

"Isn't this forced?"

Hearing this, Zhang Ming laughed and said, "Haha, Major General Fang, I really admire you."

"On the other side of the country, it is estimated that the anger is not light."

Fang Ze snorted coldly, "I should have taught you a lesson."

"However, the stab at the basket this time is not small. I estimate that being dismissed is a minor one."

Zhang Mingdao: "If you are dismissed, you are protecting yourself, so you shouldn't."

Fang Ze glanced at Zhang Ming, then turned around and said, "I killed a company of them, more than [-] people, I can just let it go."

"Let's go, I need to go back to Zhongnan right away."

Saying that, he walked away.

Behind him, Zhang Ming didn't react for a while.

All around, the Dongliao Navy, who had heard the conversation between the two sides, also had expressions of astonishment on their faces.

"A company of more than [-] people"

"A person on the territory of another country destroys a company"

"Fuck me! It's true!"

Chapter 622 Great achievements? 【1】

10:[-] p.m. that night.

Zhengyang Mountain.

It's still that... familiar courtyard, nothing has changed.

In addition to Zhou Lao and Li Xingchao, Zhou Pingzhang was also there.

The three of them seemed to be having a good time chatting, chatting and laughing while drinking tea, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

At some point, there was a slight knock on the door.

Zhou Lao turned his head, put down the teacup, and said, "Come in."

Squeak! The wooden door was pushed open, Fang Ze dragged his tired body and walked in.

He glanced at the figures in the courtyard, and finally set his eyes on Zhou Pingzhang.

His face changed slightly at this moment.

This person, I am afraid that there is no one who does not know this person in the whole of China.

"Old Zhou."

"Mr. Lee."

"Mr. Zhou."

Fang Ze said hello one by one and stood beside him.

Elder Zhou and Li Xingchao nodded, they all knew Fang Ze after all.

On the other hand, Zhou Pingzhang gave Fang Ze a serious look, as if he was examining, and finally nodded with a smile.

It seems to be very satisfied.

"sit down."

Zhou Pingzhang pointed to the vacant seat next to him.

There, it is closer to Zhou Lao.

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